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When I woke up I found my head laying in Shadow's lap, "mmmm...?" looking up I saw that he was asleep. And that I the other two were as well both holding their books in their hands as they slept, "Those two are more similar than I thought." I muttered quietly. Slowly sitting up I peeked outside to make sure that no one was around, and much to my disappointment there was a teen boy walking around the graveyard carrying a stick. Quickly I went back inside of the small area where we'd spent the night muttering various curse words irritated that I couldn't leave yet.

"Something wrong (Y/n)?" asked a now obviously still half asleep but awake Vio.

I sighed, "It's nothing Vio. Are you not a morning person? You still seem to be asleep."

"uh-uh never been a morning person at all. Not since splitting into four people anyways." He replied stretching his back.

"Okay." I said turning away from him.

"(Y/n)...what time 's it?" yawned Shadow looking at me with bleary eyes.

"Shadow....I don't know." I groaned gesturing around to show that there wasn't a way to tell time in this area at all.

"I'll go out." Vio said gazing towards the entrance, "I'm sure what ever is out there wont jump at me."

"hmph well that was rude," scoffed Vaati now awake.

"Sorry?" Vio said sounding more like Link as a whole.

"Just go!" I whispered angrily shoving him, "I get what you mean, but you don't need to rub it in our faces."

"Okay..." He said going outside.

"Shadow." Me and Vaati both sternly said at the same time staring daggers into him.

"One at a time you too," Shadow told us putting up both of his hands in defense seeing the displeasure on our faces, "(Y/n) you go first."

Before saying anything I slapped him hard across the face leaving a bright red mark where my hand had made contact. "What the Hell (Y/n)!" Vaati shouted.

"Shut up Vaati." I snarled, "Shadow I didn't want Vio here for this because....because....." Unable to find the words I paused for a moment.

"(Y/n)..." He said holding a hand to his now obviously red cheek. "What about him?"

Sighing I sat down, "First of all, why is he here with us?"

Shadow looked down solemnly before answering quietly, " He was willing to betray the others to help us, if he knew that you and Zelda are alright...."

"What did you tell him about Zelda?" Vaati snapped enraged that he'd make such a deal.

"I told him that she was fine, and that no harm would come to her or (Y/n).."

Kicking the dirt I told him, " Fire eyes...I don't think we can trust him. If you remember it as a single person not four, he was willing to just let you die."

"(Y/n), your being there is what saved my life." Shadow said calmly, "but hear me out please. Vio he seems nothing like Link at all, and I feel like he'd be willing to help us with our cause of finding equality in Hyrule."

Vaati stood up, "I'll be in the temple my question has been answered (Y/n), I think you too have time to talk. Go ahead I'll meet you by the temple's main entrance, the one on inside."

"Okay..." I told him as Shadow gave a silent nod of his head.

"Shadow I have something to show you," I told him standing up as soon as I was sure that Vaati was gone.

"What is it?" He asked looking at me funny.

"Please don't scream or do anything that will have Vio rush in alright." blushing I turned my head away from him.

Sitting down he said, "Alright my angel."

Slowly I unwrapped the bandages from my stomach and then took off my hood-thingy. Seeing his shocked expression I turned away completely blushing a brighter shade of red, " This is not what you think I'm doing. There's something Link did years ago, this includes Vio as he's a part of Link. I'm going to show it to you." As I began to pull up my shirt I felt him grab my wrist. "What is it fire eyes?"

Looking me directly in my red eyes with his Shadow told me, "I'll show you what the hylians did too me to, that way we are equal. That and..." He blushed bright pink before saying this, "(Y/n) my angel, are you sure you want to do this? I mean we've-"

"Shadow," I cut him off, "It doesn't matter we're in this together aren't we? Besides if we share our pains with each other they can't be held over our heads."

"Y-yeah.." He said finally letting my wrist go, "Do what you must then (y/n)." He said blushing and sitting slowly back down.

I quickly returned to sliding off my shirt, "Remember we don't have much time so this will need to be fast so the other two don't get the wrong idea." I was carefully, but quickly pulling the shirt over my head as I heard his mumbled reply of alright.

"(Y/n) what did you ever do to deserve that?" He held a hand up to his mouth in horror as I showed him the scars running up and down my back along with a few other various things from when I was younger.

Sighing and pulling my shirt back on I told him, "I did nothing but be a sheikah, they felt the need to prosecute me. As well as mark me as not like them. The scars on my back are from them placing hot coals on me, shooting at me with arrows, and throwing a variety of sharp objects at my bare back. No one would help me when they saw it happening, all 'd they do was turn away and ignore it like I wasn't being hurt at all. Even when I'd scream and plead for their help, no one at all would come to my side."

Shadow ran over and hugged me tightly, I could feel the warm droplets of his tears hitting my bare shoulder. "I'm so sorry they did that to you! How could they, you didn't even do anything wrong!"

I hugged his arms, "Fire eyes, you can't change what happened in the past. Don't worry about it okay? Trust me I'm completely fine. And Link or as the part of him we have, *sigh* Vio, helped one of the times when I was shot with arrows."

"I-I didn't know," Shadow said surprised that Link helped with it once.

"He didn't either," I sighed, "not until recently anyways."

Letting me go Shadow turned around, "I'm going to show you what they did to me now okay."

"Okay." I watched quietly as he pulled his tunic down off of his shoulders, and pulled off his undershirt. I'd seen his stomach before from when I did his bandages, but every time I'd done it he wouldn't let me take off his undershirt leaving it on every time.

"Alright," Shadow said showing me his entire back for the first time, I covered my mouth holding back a scream. Carved into his skin on his arms and all over his back was the Sheikah eye with a slash through it, and in a few places there was hateful words carved in his skin. "Are you okay (Y/n)? You look like you're going to be sick." He asked me sounding worried.

Swallowing my fear I told him, "N-no I'm f-fine." Tears welled up in my eyes as I tried to speak,  unsure of what I should do I ran and hugged him burying my teary face into the dip in his neck. "It must have b-been awful for you Shadow."

Hugging me back Shadow kissed my forehead, "I didn't want you to see that before because...."

"It's okay you don't need to tell me why." I said, "I can understand why you didn't want me to see before. All they did was mark us out as different for our whole lives so far, but now we have each other so we don't need to suffer their hatred anymore."

He sighed, "Yeah." then kissed my forehead again.

Just at that moment Vio came back in making the most horrified look I'd seen in months, looking at us Shadow's shirt off and half of my upper clothing from before laying in a pile by our feet.

Me and Shadow both at the same time let each other go and said, "IT'S NOT WHAT YOU THINK !!!"

Lighting up My Shadowy LifeWhere stories live. Discover now