Despite Everything

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"He what?!" I snarled clenching my fists tight enough that my nails were digging into my skin through the gloves, "Vio wouldn't he-he. He knows what we've been through.." My voice trembled as I spoke, "Why would he, we trusted him."

Placing a hand on my shoulder Shadow motioned for me to be quiet, "Shh Guufu will hear us if we get too loud (Y/n), now please listen close to what I need to say alright?" As I nodded my head he continued, "Right...Vaati needs our help (Y/n), they attacked him believing that he had Zelda. Even who knows that we don't. But I'm sure by now that you know the truth, Guufu has her not us."

"He turned her to stone right?" I ask trying to ignore everything I hated about her. Turning to face the bed I closed my eyes and calmly stated, "So they thought that our Vaati had Zelda and attacked him, that's just awful. It may sound insane for me to say this after everything we've done, but despite everything we need to help Zelda in anyway we can. No one deserves to be turned to in a stone statue of themselves, not even her despite everything she's still a person and I can't stand knowing that it'd be our fault." Turning to face Shadow I said as calmly as I could, "We should help Vaati and then help Zelda the best we can, even if it is just something like getting her back to the castle."

"I understand if that's how you feel (Y/n)," Smiling softly he offered me one of his hands, "If that's what you want it's what we'll do." About to take his hand I hesitated, what if he betrayed us again? I knew that he was threatened could I be sure. Lowering my eyes I shook my head and lowered my hand, "What's wrong do you not trust me anymore? Or is this because of what happened yesterday? I know that it will take time for you to fully trust me again, (Y/n) I'm sorry I really am."

Lifting my head I sighed, "Don't apologize it's not your fault, you didn't know the full extent of what happened and were caught by surprise as well as lied to. If anyone needs to say sorry it's Guufu." Clenching my fists again I averted my eyes before telling Shadow my honest opinion, "It's not that I don't trust you Shadow, it's just that with everything I've been through I find it difficult to believe what I'm told. I want to trust you but since I've only learned stuff like this...I'm not sure if I should, I really do want to trust you but..." Feeling tears begin to sting at my eyes I looked back up to see Shadow looking really upset, and he had every right to be. As our eyes met for a few awkward seconds I sheepishly looked away the said, "We should probably go after all there's only so much time Vaati can be left alone with out causing trouble for himself."

Nodding Shadow walked out of the room, "Yeah you're right; I'll take you to where we were, just follow close by me okay." The grim tone of his voice told me everything I needed to know he'd been hurt by what I said before.

Before following behind him I whispered under my breath, "Shadow I'm sorry, I promise to make it up to you when I can."

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