Early Present

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Standing at the base of the stairs that lead to Kakariko I let out an irritated sigh. I hadn't been up these stairs in at least six years, I couldn't help but wonder what the Hylians' had done to it and how it looked there now. "(Y/n)?" Shadow placed a hand gently on my wrist, "What's wrong? You seem a little off."

"Nothing," I sighed placing my hand on his, "Nothing's wrong I was just thinking about something."

"Well don't think about it for now alright." Vaati said placing his hand on my other shoulder, " You don't deserve to be sad (Y/n), you deserve to be happy."

"Thanks you two, but really its nothing important."

Vio stared for a moment then said, " Is it because you haven't been here in so long? That's what's bugging you isn't it."

"No need to point out that Vio," Shadow growled fiercely, "It's not her fault that she hasn't been here for so long. You can blame you Hylians' and her aunt Impa."

Pushing away from the two boys I walked over to the nearby tree and sat down on the grass. Sitting there I was reminded of when I was small and came down to this area to play in the water. "Damn it..." I growled, " This is just a pain to be doing right now."

"I agree." Vaati said gazing absentmindedly at death Mountain, "It is a pain but it needs to be done eventually."

"What do you think Vio?" Shadow asked turning to face Vio already over his emotional outburst.

"I think its better now than later, whatever it is she needs to do there." He replied still unaware what exactly we were doing.

Sitting down by me Shadow asked, "So (Y/n)....Uhm...I really hope it's not rude for me to ask you this, but how many years has it been since you were here?"

"Six years I think and Shadow," I placed my hand on his cheek, "It's okay that you're asking.... I don't mind it at all Fire eyes." After telling him it was okay I gave him a quick kiss, "Besides it's better for us to be open with each other than to be shut off from one another."

"Why'd you pause for a moment?" Vaati asked staring blankly at Death Mountain again. I looked to see what was keeping his interest and shook my head sadly.

"I was thinking about the reasons why I wasn't allowed to go to my real home, also Death Mountain is obviously in chaos at the moment so quit staring at it."

"What do you mean in chaos? It looks fine to-" Vio cursed under his breath as he saw the red ring of fire above the mountain.

Standing up I brushed the dirt off of my but and told the boys, "I think we should start heading to up now, it's almost seven."

"What's so relevant about what time it is?" Shadow asked looking towards the sun sheepishly pulling the hood of his cloak on as it was brightest wen it rose, set, and during midday.

"Stall Children." Me, Vaati and Vio all said grimly.

Confused Shadow asked, "What's so bad about them I mean they can't be that bad if they are called 'children' right?"

"Idiot! They attack you with no mercy, as they have no soul." Vaati answered angrily, "They only exist because of the war they weren't in the field until after it was over."

Looking at Death Mountain I had a pain in my heart that told me something bad was going to happen soon. "Shadow, Vio, Vaati." I turned to face each of them as I spoke, "Let's go now."

"Sure thing my angel." Shadow said hugging me tightly.

"Whatever," moaned Vaati.

"Okay..." Vio blankly stated.

Together we began to walk up there stairs, then behind us there was a sound simmalr to tha of a hole being dug. Looking back I saw a Stall Child pulling itself out of the ground. "Shit! You three run up the stairs NoW! I'll get rid of this nuisance." Itching for a fight I was excited to be able to fight the Stall Kid.

"Be careful." Vio and Vaati said already running up the stairs.

"Why does she-" Shadow not very up to the idea of leaving me tried to protest but as he saw the Stall kid he flinched, "WHAT THE HYELL IS THAT!?!"

"Just go I can handle it!" I said shoving him back towards the stairs my hands shaking with excitement, "I'll only be five minutes."

"Okay, just be careful my angel." Shadow said running to meet the other two.

"heh, now I can fight you full on." I took a fighting stance and charged at the stall Child, "Grahhhh!"

"hehehehehehe," As all of the Stall kids did when fighting it laughed and swatted at me fiercely.

"Hah! Too slow!" I laughed as I threw a kunai at it, "huh...." I watched in amusement as the Stall Kid fell apart, "That one was old...Oh well better go meet the before another one gets here." With that decision made I ran up the stairs.

In Kakariko Village

As I entered through the gate past the sleeping guard I heard Vaati say, "Well that was rather Fast (Y/n) what did you do Yell at it?"

"Real funny Vaati, it was old and fell apart when one of my Kunai hit it."

"(Y/n) are you hurt anywhere?" Shadow asked concerned about my state eyeing me quickly over, "It didn't hurt you did it???"

"Shadow," Moaned Vio placing a hand on his forehead, "I'm sure she's fine. Right (Y/n)?"

"Yeah I'm fine." I told them moving my hair out of my eyes, "Hey Vaati have something I can pull my hair up with?"

"Why are you asking me (Y/n)?" he grumbled obviously tired and as always not to happy to have me around.

"Hmm, 'cause your the only other one with long hair...That and Shadow usually just puts his hair in his hat when he thinks it's in the way " I said shrugging, "That and for what I'll be doing my hair can't be in the way."

"Why not just cut your hair?" Vio asked, "I'm sure you'd look good with it short, uh....I didn't mean that in a romantic way I just meant it in a friendly way." He took a step back as Shadow came over and placed an arm around me making sure that Vio could clearly see that I was taken.

"Yeah thought so Vio." Shadow said glaring at him, "Here (Y/n) it may not be much but it should work." He handed me a black ribbon blushing as he did so.

"Fire eyes, why do you have this..?" I asked gently taking it from him and looking it over.

"Um well...I was saving it for your birthday, I though you might like it so...."

"I love it!!" I said hugging him, "Thanks Shadow!" after hugging him I turned to Vaati, "You might want to pull your hair up too, you never know what's in the Temple."

"Pfft," He stated bluntly, "I don't need to."

"You loss I guess," I muttered tying my hair up with the Ribbon, trying my best not to imagine what could happen if Vaati got his hair caught on something. After that the three of us headed towards the graveyard.

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