Chapter 6

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It's been a week since that hike with Lauren. Since then I've been avoiding her. Anytime she'd walk into a room I would excuse myself or if she tried to make a conversation with me I'd tell her I had to go somewhere. No doubt she noticed I was avoiding her and I felt awful treating her like that. I was just so confused.

"Justin can we talk to you?" Ally asked.

Ally, Camila, Normani and Dinah sat across from me. I knew where this was going. No doubt they were going to ask me why I was avoiding Lauren. I nodded.

"Why are you avoiding Lauren? Has she done something to upset you?" Camila asked.

"She's really hurt and confused by your actions Justin. I mean last week ye went for a hike and were the best of friends but within two days you just started to avoid her" added Normani.

I sighed. There was no point lying and making up a stupid excuse to tell the girls. They should know the truth.

"I've fallen for Lauren" I confessed. "The reason I'm avoiding her is because I feel guilty. I've a girlfriend and I've fallen for another girl. I'm avoiding Lauren because I don't really know how to deal with the whole situation"

The girls had shocked expressions on their faces. I think they didn't expect me to be so honest with them. I say they were expecting me to give them some lame excuse as to why I was avoiding Lauren.

"I wasn't expecting that response" muttered Dinah.

"Justin do you really like Lauren or are you just messing with us?" Normani asked. "Because if you're messing with us it's not funny. We want to know what she's done that's making you avoid her"

"Guys honestly that's the truth" I said. "From the day I first met her I've felt something for her. At first I just told myself it was a little crush but I was lying to myself. It wasn't until last week that I realised I'd fallen for her. I'm avoiding her though because I'm with someone else and I feel guilty as hell. Now that I think of it avoiding her was wrong because I've no doubt hurt her and I feel awful over it"

"Justin. Do you love your girlfriend?" Ally asked.

I was confused by her question, or at least I thought I was. Now that I thought about it, things weren't the same between myself and my girlfriend for a while now. I told myself I loved her but in all honestly I think I didn't. I guess I was just holding onto our relationship because I didn't want to hurt her.

"Ask yourself this Justin. In ten years time who do you see yourself with? Your girlfriend or Lauren?" Ally asked.

"Lauren" I told them truthfully. "Anytime I think of her a smile always forms on my face. To me she's the most beautiful girl in the world. To me she's flawless"

I could see smiles forming on the girls faces. I think they were happy to know the truth. I say they were relieved as well that I didn't hate Lauren. In fact it was the complete opposite. I was in love with her.

I stood up to leave. I was going to go up to my bedroom and break up with my girlfriend. It was going to hurt and suck but I couldn't go on with the relationship anymore. It wasn't the same, we weren't in love. We were only lying to each other.

I got to my bedroom and looked for my phone. I was really nervous actually. I didn't think I'd be able to deal with crying if she cried. To be honest I was glad I wasn't doing the break up face to face because if I was I honestly don't think I'd have been able to do it. Sure breaking up over the phone wasn't the best but what choice did I have? I didn't know when I'd see my girlfriend next, this was the only way.

I was thinking about how I'd start the conversation when I was pulled out of my thoughts by someone knocking on my door. I opened the door and I was shocked. My girlfriend Selena was at the door. Now what was I going to do?

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