Chapter 14

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Lauren's POV

The girls and I were currently on Austin's tour. I was enjoying it but I really missed Justin. It was like a piece of me was missing or something. I had gotten so used to him being around all the time on Demi's tour that it felt weird not having him on Austin's tour. We'd spoken a few times but we were both so busy it was just the occasional text here and there. He had promised that he would come and visit us but we were a month into the tour and he still hadn't dropped by. I was really upset over this.

"Earth to Lauren. Did you hear what I said?" Brad asked.

I hadn't realised I had zoned out until he looked for my attention. Hell I hadn't even realised he had come into the bus.

"No I didn't" I replied. "What is it that you asked?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to go out and see the city? Toronto is supposed to be a great city and I want to see it"

"Yeah ok. I'll just go get ready" I smiled.

Once I got to my bunk I sighed. I didn't really want to go out. Since Brad and I started dating the only people who knew were our families and close friends. There was no way on earth I was telling the paparazzi we were going out as we'd be followed around 24/7. Of course by going out to see the city no doubt there'd be paps and I really didn't want to deal with that. After I finished getting ready I went back to Brad so we could leave.

"You look beautiful" he told me.

I blushed and then we made our way out of the bus. We were just getting into the car when I noticed someone getting onto the bus from the corner of my eye. I excused myself by telling Brad I forgot something and that I'd be back in a minute. I ran full pelt to the bus and swung the door open.

"Woah please don't attack me" Justin gasped. "I was just looking for you and the girls" he chuckled.

A big smile formed on my face and I bundled him into a hug. I literally knocked the wind out of him but I didn't care. He was finally here.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming? I was just about to leave it's a good thing I saw you entering the bus otherwise I'd have missed you and I'd have been upset" I said.

"I didn't know I was coming either until a few hours ago" he told me. "I just happened to be back home in Canada and I heard Austin had his tour here so I jumped on the plane to see you and the girls"

"Come on I'll go get them" I said. I grabbed his hand and dragged him across the car park and into the place we were playing. The girls were sitting in the lounge arguing about something to do with the game 'Never have I ever'. I rolled my eyes. They were so busy arguing that they hadn't even noticed that Justin and I had walked in. I ended up throwing a teddy, that happened to be on the sofa, at Dinah to grab there attention.

"Hey what was- JUSTIN" Dinah squealed. Next thing Justin knew he was being engulfed in a massive hug by the girls. He just laughed and hugged them back. The minute the hug broke apart he was bombarded with questions.

"Lauren?" I froze when I heard Brad call my name. I had completely forgotten about him.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry. I completely forgot about you in the car. It's just that Justin turned up and with all the excitement I guess I just forgot" I said.

"Do you still want to go?" Brad asked.

In all honesty I really didn't want to. I wanted to stay back here and hang out with Justin. I was just about to reply to Brad when Justin butted in.

"Lauren just go. I'll be here when you get back don't worry" he smiled. 

I nodded and walked out with Brad. I glanced back and saw Justin laughing and messing around with the girls. I was really jealous that I wasn't in the midst of it. I just hoped Brad didn't want to spend ages out looking at the city.


We got back to the bus just after 5. Honestly I couldn't wait to get back. Sure I'd had a good time with Brad but I really wanted to hang out with Justin before he left. When I walked into the bus I saw that he was the only one there.

"Where is everyone?" I asked.

"Gone to get food" he replied. "So what do you want to do?" He asked.

I groaned. I hoped he wasn't suggesting we go out into the city because I was wrecked.

"We can just watch a movie" he suggested.

"That's a great idea! Come on I've a DVD player in my bunk. We can watch it there" I smiled. I looked back to see that he was hesitant. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"I doubt I can fit in there and also if I did I'm sure Brad would kill me" he said.

I shook my head. "Don't be so silly. There's plenty of room and I doubt Brad would care to be honest. He knows we're just friends. Besides he stays in the other bus so I doubt he'll see you" I told him.

It took a few minutes to persuade Justin into climbing into the bunk. I literally had to threaten to walk out and not spend any time with him to get him into the bunk. When I said that to him it felt like I was his girlfriend. He climbed into the bunk after me and we threw on the movie and lay in silence. The movie ended after 2 hours.

"What did you think of that?" I asked. When I got no reply I looked over to see that Justin had fallen asleep. How long had he been asleep for and why hadn't I noticed? He looked peaceful sleeping and I didn't want to wake him up, so I slipped out trying my best not to wake him and climbed into the spare bunk. I hoped that tomorrow we'd have more time to talk and hopefully he'd stay to watch the show.


I was woken the next day by Justin. He kept apologising for falling asleep on me. I told him it was ok and that it was no problem. He promised he'd stay for me and the girls set but that he'd have to leave afterwards. I felt sad knowing that he was leaving.

"When will you come back to see us?" I asked him.

"I honestly don't know" he shrugged.

We spent the rest of the day talking about what we did after Demi's tour. He told me that he'd been working on new music and couldn't wait to show the world. I was excited to hear it. When it came to getting ready for the show I had to leave so he hung out with some of the crew.

Before me and the girls walked out to perform, Justin dragged me over to a secluded area to talk to me.

"Next time I'll see you and the girls will be when you are in North Carolina. I'm sorry I didn't get to hang out with you that much" he said.

"It's fine" I shrugged. "I just can't wait until we see you next. Hopefully you won't fall asleep on me" I laughed.

One of the crew called me over to get ready for the show. I gave Justin a quick hug before running over to the girls.

As we were getting ready to go on I kept thinking about Justin. I had literally craved to spend the entire 2 days with him. I even wanted to skip hanging out with my boyfriend to spend time with him. Was I developing feelings for Justin? I instantly shook that thought from my mind. Of course I wasn't. I liked Brad. Justin and I were just friends. I knew I didn't have feelings for him and I'm pretty sure Justin didn't have feelings for me.

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