Chapter 10

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Justin's POV

It was the girls last show before they went away for a month and to say I was upset was an understatement. I tried to keep myself busy to keep my mind off them leaving. I was currently setting up for that nights show when Camila came over to talk to me.

"Hey, what's up?" I smiled.

"Are you ok? You've seemed really upset for the past four days, is it only now that the break up is affecting you?" She asked.

I shook my head. "I'm just upset that you guys are leaving after tonight for a month, that's all" I shrugged.

There was an awkward silence between us. Just as she was about to leave my curiosity got the better of me.

"Who is this Brad guy?" I asked.

Camila turned around and sighed. "You know about him? I don't know Justin, they just started talking on Twitter and now they're meeting up. I doubt anything will come of it"

"Yeah right" I muttered.

"Justin, have you ever thought about telling Lauren how you feel?" Camila asked.

I shook my head furiously. "No way! Are you mad? She'll just shoot me down"

Camila shook her head and sighed. "How do you know?" She asked. "Justin you'll never know unless you try. Don't be so stubborn"

"Whatever" I sighed. "I gotta go, so I'll see you later"


"Thank you Indianapolis. We'll see you soon"

The girls walked off stage with huge smiles on their faces. They had killed it tonight. In fact they killed it every night. They really did deserve the break they were taking as they've worked so hard the past few weeks.

The rest of the show passed in a blur. When Demi was finished performing I literally ran as fast as I could to the girls dressing room. I prayed that they hadn't left yet. I ran into the room and crashed into Lauren. We both fell to the floor with me landing on top of her.

"Fucking hell my heart Justin" she said. "Stop laughing it's not funny! And can you please get off of me?" She asked.

It was only then that I realised that I was still lying on top of her. "Oh sorry" I muttered. I got up and gave her my hand to help her up. She brushed herself off and shot me a playful glare. She was trying to look angry but instead she looked cute and I burst out laughing. She shook her head and began to laugh as well. Man we must of looked like dorks.

"So are you practising American football or what?" She asked after the laughter subsided.

"No. I was actually looking for you and the girls to say goodbye before you left" I told her.

She smiled. "The girls left a few minutes ago unfortunately. I was just leaving when you crashed into me, so you caught me just in time" she laughed.

"Have a nice month off. You girls deserve it. You've all worked really hard on this tour" I said.

"Thanks Justin" she smiled. "Can I just apologise for the other night as well? You were right to get annoyed with me. I invited you out and I spent most of the time on my phone. I'm really sorry and when we get back I'll take you out again and I promise to put the phone away" she said with seriousness.

I nodded. "Yeah I'd like that" I smiled. 

Someone called Lauren's name and told her she had to go. "I suppose I better go. I'll see you soon I guess" she said.

"I'll walk you out to the car. I'll take your bag as well" I told her.

We walked towards the car that was taking Lauren to the airport to take her back to Miami. As we were walking to the car I was trying my best not to show how upset I was. I really was going to miss the girls especially Lauren.

Lauren turned around and gave me a hug. I didn't want to let her go. We stayed like this for a good five minutes before the taxi driver told her that she'd miss her flight. I wanted to tell him to shut up.

"I'm actually going to miss you Justin" she said sadly. "See you soon"

She got into the taxi and shut the door. She gave me a wave and a sad smile before the taxi drove off. I watched the taxi turn the corner and leave. I let out a heavy sigh and felt a tear fall from my eye onto my cheek. I really was going to miss Lauren. I already began to count down the days until she returned. I walked back to the girls dressing room. I walked over to Lauren's table. I was kind of hoping that she had have left something behind so that I'd have an excuse to talk to Lauren straight away. God I was going to miss her for the next month.


Who else freaked out over Justin and Fifth Harmony interacting at the EMA's?!!! I'm still waiting for that selfie haha. Btw if you want you can follow me on Twitter it's "@JBieberft5H :)

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