Chapter 15

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Justin's POV

I was in North Carolina to see the girls except I didn't know where they were staying. Every time I tried ringing the girls their phones just went straight to voicemail. I cursed knowing that they'd probably be in sound check. I didn't even know where they were playing tonight. I was getting desperate trying to find the place. I was tempted to go on Twitter to ask where they were playing but I knew that would cause huge crowds trying to come into the arena.

I sighed. Why was I so stupid not to ask Camila where they were playing when I was talking to her last night? I blamed Normani and Dinah for distracting me. Those two were so busy taking selfies and dancing in the background that I kept getting lost in thought. Just as I was losing hope my phone went off and I saw that it was Dinah. I sighed in relief.

"Hey" I answered. "Don't laugh but where exactly are you? It's just that I never asked Camila where you were staying because somebody was really distracting in the background"

As expected Dinah laughed and I couldn't help but laugh as well as the memory resurfaced. She gave me directions to the place and hung up straight away as they were all still in sound check.


I got to the place within 45 minutes. I walked in and the girls were rehearsing the choreography for their song Bo$$. I sat down in the back and watched them. They were good and they looked like they genuinely were enjoying themselves. When they were done I got up to go see them. As expected I was engulfed in a massive group hug.

"You all sound really good" I told them. "I can't wait to see ye perform tonight"

"Thanks" Ally smiled. "Come on we're going getting some food. Have you eaten?" She asked.

I shook my head and followed them to the canteen. I noticed that Lauren had disappeared and I guessed she had gone off the see her boyfriend. Damn I was jealous and annoyed. I wished she could of just hung out with me, as I wasn't around as much anymore whilst Brad was always with her.

"Why the long face?" Normani asked.

I just shrugged my shoulders and went to get my food. When I came back I sat opposite to the girls. I could tell by the look on their faces that they had something to tell me. I noticed that Camila was looking anywhere but at me. I sighed.

"What's up?" I asked.

"What happened between you and Lauren last time you were together?" Ally asked.

"Nothing. We just watched a movie in her bunk and I fell asleep. Why?" I asked confused.

"It's just that anytime we mentioned your name or suggested that we all go somewhere together when you got here, she just acted weirdly and said she was hanging out with Brad" Normani said. "I mean look she's not even here" she noted.

"You didn't tell her how you felt about her did you?" Camila asked. "Not that I'm saying you shouldn't it's just different now that she's got a boyfriend"

"I didn't say anything to her!" I told them. "We just watched a movie. In fact I was hesitant to even go in her bunk in case Brad walked into the bus. If she's acting weird it's not my fault"

"Woah Justin calm down. We're not accusing you of anything" Ally explained.

"We just wanted to know what happened because before you came last time she was getting upset that you hadn't come to visit. But since then anytime we've mentioned it to her she just couldn't care less" Dinah continued.

"Whatever" I shrugged. "I'm out of here. I'll see you later" I got up from the table and walked away. I didn't even know where I was going. I was mad. Why was Lauren acting like this? As far as I was concerned I hadn't even done anything wrong. I wanted to talk to Lauren about this but I guessed I wasn't supposed to know about it.


I watched the girls set that night and it was pretty amazing. The crowd went wild for them. After they were done I went backstage to see them and tell them how good they were. When I got backstage  Lauren was the only one around. Damn I hoped she'd at least talk to me properly.

"Hey" I smiled. "Good show tonight that was awesome"

"Thanks" she smiled. "The rest of the girls are in the dressing room, if you're looking for them"

"Actually I want to talk to you" I said.
"What's going on with you? I get the feeling that you're avoiding me"

Lauren's POV

"What's going on with you? I get the feeling that you're avoiding me"

Damn I had hoped Justin hadn't noticed that I was avoiding him. But I guess that was stupid of me. Since he had left I was left confused. I was confused about my feelings. Did I like Justin as more than a friend or was I just being silly?

"Nothing's going on" I shrugged. "I've just been busy"

"Really?" He asked. He didn't look convinced. I didn't blame him really. "It wouldn't of killed you to take five minutes out of your busy schedule to send me a text? The rest of the girls did" he continued.

I just shrugged. I honestly didn't know what to say. I hated that he brought the rest of the girls into this. But he was right, if the girls could spare time for him then why couldn't I? Truth was I liked Justin a lot. Way more than a friend should and it bothered me. I had a boyfriend yet here I was falling for one of my friends. I'd never tell him how I felt because I doubt he felt the same way about me anyway. Justin continued to look at me expecting an answer. When I didn't answer he just sighed and began to walk away.

"Wait Justin!" I yelled. He turned around and I was relieved. "I'm sorry. I really am, it's just that I've had a lot of stuff on my mind lately. I was going to talk to you about it but I didn't want to bother you. I am really sorry that I never called or text you" I continued.

He gave me a smile and engulfed me in a hug. He squeezed me tight and I honestly didn't want the hug to break apart. The hug was warm and I honestly wanted to snuggle up to Justin. When the hug broke apart he smiled at me and asked me did I want to watch a movie with him. Obviously I wanted to spend time with him so I said yes.

As we were making our way to the backstage lounge Justin turned around and said "I'm glad we resolved whatever was going on between us. It'd kill me if we weren't talking over something silly"

"Me too Justin" I smiled. "Me too"

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