Chapter 8

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Justin's POV

When we got to the ice cream shop we were mobbed by fans to take pictures. I happily did it but if I'm honest I really wanted ice cream. Because we had little time we took group photos. In the end we had to be escorted out the back door as news had spread that we were there.

When I got into the car I sighed. "Man, I really wanted ice cream"

The girls just laughed and I couldn't help smile to myself knowing I'd made Lauren laugh. I'd do anything to make her happy. I hadn't realised I was staring at her until Selena called for my attention.

"Justin?" She said with uncertainty.

"Yes?" I asked.

She mumbled her answer so I didn't quite catch what she said. I brushed it off and went on Twitter. Already any photos taken at the shop were online. I clicked through the photos until I came across a manip. Someone had put just Lauren and I in a photo together and commented that we'd be a hot couple. Out of curiosity I searched our names on Twitter and found that a lot of people were commenting on that manip. I gulped. This was the last thing I needed. I just prayed that none of the girls or Selena would see it as I didn't want unnecessary drama to be caused.


"Hey Justin want to watch a movie with us" Camila asked later that night.

"As much as I'd love to I actually have something to take care of. Have fun anyway"

I did have something to take care of. It was time I broke up with Selena. Our relationship just wasn't the same anymore. As much as I tried to find a reason to keep going I couldn't. Whenever she told me she loved me I gave her a half hearted reply saying that I loved her too. I did love her but not in that way anymore, I just wanted her as a friend. It was going to suck breaking her heart but I was only hurting her more by continuing the relationship. I stood outside our hotel room door for a good 5 minutes before I walked in. When I walked in I saw she was just finished packing her bags.

"You're leaving?" I asked. "I thought you were staying another few days?"

"I decided to leave early" she sighed. "I've got some stuff I need to sort out anyway"

"Look I need to talk to you about something. Can you sit down?"

She nodded. I sat down next to her. I took a deep breath to calm myself down. I was really nervous. I was scared in case I said the wrong thing to her. She was looking at me expectantly, waiting for me to talk.

"OK here goes" I began. "Selena I can't do this anymore. I'm sorry but I just don't feel the same way anymore"

She gave me a sad smile. "I was expecting you to break up with me actually" she said sadly and looking at the ground.

"What?" I asked. I was really confused. Why was she expecting me to break up with her?

"You've been distant with me since the tour started. At first I thought it was because you were super busy but when I came here I realised that wasn't the reason. I realised that you'd fallen for Lauren. You look at her the way you used to look at me. At first I brushed it off thinking I was being paranoid, but then I overheard you singing that song and that's when I knew" she told me.

"Oh" I mouthed.

"It's fine Justin honestly. You can't help who you fall for right? You couldn't have fallen for a more perfect girl if I'm honest. Be with her Justin and be happy" Selena continued. "I'm going to leave now but I hope we can stay friends"

"I'll bring your bag down" I said.

I grabbed her bag and we walked to the elevator. There was silence between us but it wasn't awkward. We got to the car and I put her bag in the backseat.

"I'll see you around I guess" I mumbled.

She nodded. She was just about to get into the car when she hugged me. "Goodbye Justin" she whispered.

I watched her drive off and I could feel a weight being lifted off my shoulders. I was no longer with Selena and therefore I didn't feel guilty about my feelings for Lauren. I smiled when I thought about how well Selena took the break up. I was expecting her to cry but instead she basically told me to go after Lauren. That I intended to do but I just needed time.

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