Chapter 21

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Justin's POV

I woke up nervous as hell. Today was the day I released 'What Do You Mean?' for the whole world to hear. I'd gotten a ton of texts from people telling me not to be nervous and that people would love it. I was hoping for a text off Lauren but I knew better. I was just happy that the girls still helped with the countdown considering what had happened.

I sighed. I know I told myself that I wasn't going to give up on her, but I hadn't had the time lately to work on it. I wanted it to be special. What if I told the world how I felt? I shook my head. I knew Lauren and how private she was. If I were to do that she'd kill me and would defiantly want nothing to do with me.

As I made my way to Ryan Seacrest I began thinking back on all the memories I had with Lauren. We had some great times. We probably fought more than anything but the majority of our fights were play fighting.

One fond memory I have of her is being in Thug Harmony. I remember her asking me how to become more thug. Of course I'd started laughing at her thinking it was serious and not for a video. Lauren had started laughing as well and it was that day I promised myself to make her laugh everyday for the rest of my life. I loved her laugh, I found it contagious. Of course I broke that promise. These days I made her cry more than laugh, which made me feel horrible.

"Hey Justin, you alright back there?" Scooter asked. "You look like you're mind is somewhere else"

"Yeah I'm fine" I mumbled. "Just thinking about stuff"

"Lauren?" He asked.

I just laughed and nodded my head. "Yeah. I really miss her Scooter. I really messed up. I wish I didn't storm out and not talk to her for ages, just because she didn't feel that way about me. I should of just accepted it and maybe eventually she would fall for me. But I guess that's never going to happen now" I sighed.

"So she won't answer your calls or texts?" Scooter asked.

"Well I haven't called or text because I don't know what to say" I mumbled.

Scooter just shook his head. "I'm sure you'll find the right words to say eventually. Don't give up"

I just rolled my eyes and continued to stare out the window. My mind continued to think about Lauren. It was only now that I realised how much she had made a change in my life. We would spend hours just talking about life to each other. I used to tell her everything about me and what I wanted in life. She always gave me advice when I faced problems. We used to talk into the early hours of the morning even if she had an interview or something on that morning, she never once said she needed to go to sleep. She always listened, no matter what.

Sometimes we would annoy each other so much we'd fight and go away to cool off. It was mostly me who would get annoyed with her. She would talk about Brad and I would get jealous and annoyed. She was always baffled why I got annoyed. I guess I was selfish because I wanted Lauren for myself. I didn't want another guy having her. I remember one time she was talking about him and I got annoyed and stormed out close to tears


I slammed the door in frustration. Damn I was being a jealous idiot. Lauren was talking about how much she liked Brad and I couldn't bare listening to her on about it. I punch the door in frustration.

"Are you ok?" Dinah asked.

I jumped not realising the rest of the girls were in the room. The four of them looked up from their phones with concern plastered on their faces. I sighed and ran my hand through my hair.

"I'm fine" I replied. "I'm just sick of hearing Lauren on about Brad"

"I know it's hard Justin, but she's happy with him. You can't do anything about it unfortunately" Ally said sympathetically.

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