Epilogue Part 1

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2 years later

Lauren's POV

Justin was beginning his world tour tonight. I was going to be with him for the first month of the tour but then I'd have to leave. The girls and I were also about to embark on a world tour. Even though I was going to be with him for the next month I knew most of that time would be spent watching him rehearse or go to radio stations. I doubt we were going to get to spend that much time together during the day.

Justin was playing in Vancouver tonight. Before we headed to the arena we were going to book into the hotel. I looked across and saw that Justin was asleep. He looked so peaceful when he slept. The car stopped outside the hotel. Justin was still asleep and I sighed knowing I'd have to wake him. I really didn't want too. He looked so peaceful.

"Come on sleepy head" I said whilst I shook him awake. "We've got to go into the hotel. Damn why do always have to be so tired?" I asked.

"I'm tired because you kept me up last night" he winked.

My face went bright red and Justin started laughing. We both hopped out of the car and began walking to the hotel. Fans were outside the hotel screaming for Justin. Justin's stopped to take pictures with a few fans whilst I stood back. I doubted they wanted pictures with me, so I was surprised when girls were asking me for pictures. I happily obliged of course. I was quite relieved that these fans weren't shouting insults at me like some would.

Since Justin and I told the world about us being a couple both of our fanbases reacted as expected. Of course the majority of fans supported us just as long as we were happy. Of course you were going to get haters which unfortunately started a fan war between our two fan bases. Over the past two years fans have become more accepting of our relationship but you still had a few who would go out of their way to insult me or Justin.

After a while security told us to go inside as they feared things could go out of control. We both waved goodbye to the fans and made our way inside. Once we were inside the lobby Justin turned to me and smiled. I gave him a curious look.

"Do you remember this hotel?" He asked.

I looked around and gasped. A lot had changed since I'd last been here, everything was different. But of course I remembered the place. At the time this place didn't really mean anything to me but now it does.

"It's the place we first met" I gasped. "We meet in one of the conference rooms. I can't believe its been nearly four years already"

"Do you remember anything about that day?" He asked. "I wouldn't expect you to anyway, I don't think I mattered that much to you back then" he shrugged.

I shook my head. "Of course it meant something to me Justin. I was a fan of yours" I laughed. "I can actually remember that day so well" I said whilst looking around the place in awe.

Justin was looking at me weirdly. I don't think he really believed me when I said I remembered that day. I think he thought I was just saying these things so that he wouldn't be embarrassed or something. But I did remember that day I first met him.


I threw my bag onto the bed and sighed. I was going to be away from home for a long time and I was going to miss everyone. It sucked knowing I'd miss out on seeing Chris and Taylor grow up. I lay on the bed feeling sorry for myself. I was just about to drift off into a sleep until Camila burst into the room, looking very excited.

"Omg Lauren guess what!" She squealed.

"What?" I asked uncertainly. I was quite scared she looked like she was going to explode or something due to her excitement.

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