Chapter 4: Disappointment

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"Do you think you can just take a day off like that when I'm using my money to pay for your apartment!" Arobynn angrily shouted- wait no angrily didn't describe it, infuriatingly did. "Sorry" I muttered losing eye contact with him "sorry is not enough" he said "DID YOU HEAR ME? Sorry. Is. Not. Enough." I remained silent while circled around me. "Your sister was just like this. Do you know how many times I had to beat her?" He asked. "No" I slowly muttered again, "I really didn't think I'd have to do this but"... I braced myself. Then I was knocked to the ground by Arobynn's fist slamming into my jaw. He was careful enough to do nothing major but make it hurt like hell. He continued hitting me. Finally on the last blow, he slammed is fist into my head- again, not doing major damage but enough to knock me unconscious. I greeted the black taking over my vision with relief.

The next day

My head pounded. So did my face, and legs, and arms and everything else. Grimacing in pain,I slowly sat up. I was in my bed in my apartment. At least I was somewhere safe. I slowly, ever so slowly stood up and scooted toward the mirror. I didn't recognise the girl in the mirror. Suddenly I remembered the events from last night. I groaned in disgust. I would have shouted in fury, if not my mouth hurt so much and my split lip. Observing the damage Arobynn had applied to me, I came to a conclusion- this would take at least three months to heal. Rats. Staring at my reflection I looked at my hair and face. Unlike Aelin who I heard had almost white hair and was quite small, I was tall for seventeen and had long blonde hair. On the topic of Aelin, I thought for a moment. Arobynn had told me she paid off her debts to him and bought a house. The only thing Arobynn was paying for me was Aelin's apartment- now mine. I had just the perfect idea.

An hour later

"I'm moving out" I told Arobynn while slamming my fist onto his desk. He slowly looked up, "if this is because what I did to you last night then I'm sorry, really, really sorry. He replied. "Look, I have a present for you." I snorted but other than that remained quiet. Arobynn hauled a heavy looking bag onto his desk and said. "This was your sister's... She gave all her money to me, but I spent most of it so it's only right that you get the last of it." He opened the bag and my mouth fell open. Inside the bag was gold- filled to the brim. This would last me for ages! Grabbing the bag I replied, "I'mStill leaving, I have to find my twin." I swore. Arobynn didn't know I was her twin and wasn't supposed to know. Arobynn looked up at me again and was barely able to contain his surprise by the look on his face. "Very we'll then... You are no longer apart of the assassins keep or guild..." His voice was distant but I gelt so relieved. I rushed from the room with the bag of gold, grabbed my stuff that I had packed earlier but then froze as something slick, cool and metal pressed to my throat. Of course they wouldn't let me leave like that. ,"Don't move"a man's voice said to me and then he continued, "But if you do, I think you already know what will happen..." He finished. "You know what?" I asked him. He obviously wasn't listening until I said, "never leave your eye and foot unguarded" and with that, I stomped on his foot with brute force and shoved my thumb into his eye. That was enough of a distraction for me to grab my stuff and run. I didn't  look back- not once until I was sure no one was following me. Finally I relaxed slightly and willed myself to sleep but stayed alert every second.

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