Chapter 5: A place that is safe

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As the sun began to rise, I groaned sitting up. I looked at my surroundings and suddenly realised what had happened. All the events of last night came flooding back to my mind. Basically, I had escaped the assassins guild and now all the crazy nutter assassins were out to get me. Great. Just great. Standing up with my bag of money hauled over my shoulder, I trudged off to the woods to build a small treehouse. I needed somewhere to stay. Somewhere safe.

Admiring my artwork, I viewed the tree house I'd built. It was cosy, warm and blended in well enough that you'd pass me if you weren't looking for anything suspicious, but if you were.... Well, that's a whole other story. Hopefully, tomorrow, I'd be able to go buy some clothes and a rug or a comfortable seat or something, but for now, I was going to scout the area searching for anything thing that could come across as unusual.

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