The Unusual

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As I set out through the forest, little wildlife appeared before me in my tracks. Apart from a few birds and a squirrel, all remained peaceful and quiet, which was bad. If there was an assassin out there skilled enough to track me much less hide from view, I was in big trouble. Scouting along, the most unusual thing happened. Deep inside this gloomy valley of trees, where you would expect to find not one soul, I found someone.

Startled, I whipped my daggers from their sheaths and hid behind a tree in a defensive position. Peeking around the tree wearily, the person appeared to be a young girl about the age of 14. She stood peacefully near a waterfall gazing at the view, or so I thought. Deciding not to test my skills, I quietly scooted away from the tree I was taking cover from and ever so silently moved away and back to my treehouse.

Climbing up to my tree, my thoughts pondered as to why there was a girl there. The forest didn't look like a kid friendly place to be, and why would you want to go there in the first place? Snapping back to reality, I checked below to see if anyone was here. Satisfied that it was just me, I curled up in the corner and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the ground.

I woke up halfway into the night, the stars and moon greeted my tired eyes and tempted them to go back to sleep but I resisted. I couldn't afford to waste my snooping around time. I wished to go back and explore where that girl had been standing during the day,  it must have been pretty special whatever it was to attract and young teenager to this gloomy atmosphere. I stretched my aching muscles, and ventured off through the dead silent night.

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