Chapter 15:

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I beheld Erisire as she tackled Harding to the ground with such force, she managed to knock him out with her bare hands. She ran over to me and hugged me untying my gag. "Are you okay?" She asked fearfully and then looked over to my knees and gasped in horror. "My hands" I croaked. And she immediately understood. Freeing me from the chair she helped me to stand but I could not walk. "We need to see a healer" she said, the panic showing on her face. Shaking my head, I pointed outside the door and she helped me hobble outside of this manor. Gasping in fresh air, I collapsed on the ground and felt Erisire pick me up somehow and carry me away. Then I fell asleep from exhaustion.

I woke up on a bed and felt as if I were in heaven. This comfort- I hadn't felt t for ages. Erisire came over to me holding a tray with all sorts of food. "Are you hungry? You haven't eaten in 3 days!" She told me. Three days? How long had this nightmare gone on? I had so many questions to ask, and they all blurted out at once, "what? How? Who? You? Strong? Help?" I stuttered out. She smiled but pursed her lips and shook her head. "I'll tell you later, you have a lot of healing to do in the meantime." She said with a smile but it didn't reach her eyes. I looked down at my legs and they were wrapped up in... What was it? Tissue? Paper towel? Then I considered for a moment on where I was. Where was I? "Where am I?" I asked Erisire, the confusion clearly showing on my face. "Oh," she said guiltily, "I don't know, I picked the lock and walked in." I stared at her in shock, "But, in my defence, I had been dragging you for 3 days straight." Again, I revealed my shock. "Th..thr..three days?" How could I have been out for so long? "Now," she said with a soft smile on her face, "are you going to rest or do you want me to hit you over the head?" The tone Erisire used almost implicated that what she was saying was true, so I closed my eyes and hoped to fall asleep.

I groaned as someone shook me awake. I threw my pillow at the source and snuggled back down onto my other cushion. "Alena, quickly! Get up!" Erisire whispered loudly. I bolted up out of bed, accidentally head-butting Erisire in the process. She winced as I shot her an apologetic look then froze. Voices. Lots of them, and they seemed to be coming from inside the house. What if the owners were home? My eyes darted around the room and locked onto a window. Erisire understood and dashed over to it throwing it open with such force a painting nearby fell off the wall. The voices stopped. Glaring at Erisire, I shoved her out the window, and followed her, not daring to look back.

We stopped a few minutes later when it seemed that nothing would eat us alive that it dawned on me. How had I run? A few days ago, my legs were useless and twisted in unimaginable ways. I hadn't really noticed at the time, but now that I was looking at Erisire, she did look deeply fatigued. Putting the pieces together, I hated and she must have noticed because suddenly she said, "I'll go collect wood... for killing animals, and the sorts with..." Her voice trailed off as I continued to look at her. Erisire? Erisire was a healer? A very good one. No an astonishing one. I mulled over the thought of it, never would I have suspected that she was a healer.

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