Chapter 11

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As I stood in the moonlight, I studied Erisire with caution- as if she could turn into a fearsome monster at the click of a finger. It appeared to be that, she was thinking, and doing the same thing to me. Finally, I couldn't stand the silence any longer, I just had to know who she was and what a pathetic little being like her would be doing out here, in this hour. "Who are you?" I demanded. She looked confused, as if I had just spoken a foreign language. Taking her time to reply, she finally answered "Well, I am Erisire... Did I not just tell you that?" She asked in return. Rolling my eyes I said "No you little..... Ugh, forget it" her face was plastered with confusion, would I ever get any information out of this Erisire? "Where do you come from?" I tried asking, using a different tactic from last time, "Why are you out here, and without a parent?" She took a step back, afraid- which was particularly different from the girl who had spoken to me before- and asked me "Why do you want to know? What is it to you? How can I trust you?" Her eyes were wide open and I could only just make out her figure as she retreated backwards into the shadows of the night. Unfortunately, she had a point. I was some stranger to her, and yet I already knew her name, but there was so much I needed to know, and I had a feeling that she would not be talking anytime soon.

After a few awkward, painstakingly long minutes, Erisire spoke up and said in a small husky voice, "I don't have a home, or a family for that matter, my parents are dead, and I don't have any other family." She continued, "I'm sorry for being rude its just..." She faltered.
"It's just what?" I nudged her.
"Well I've lived a pretty hard life, and don't open up to many people, I have a feeling you're the same." She finished. I stood there speechless, and could have stayed there all night, why had she opened up and told me, it was honestly a little heartbreaking, especially talking to the likes of me. After another awkward silence, I had had a long thought, and knew that this was what I had to ask....

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