Chapter 20:

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Relieved that Arobynn hadn't come to kill me, I decided on sleep in a small alley way, where a few storage crates, lay, which had probably been unused for years. Settling down behind a crate, I'd forgotten to say thank you to Erisire. "Thank you Erisire, for today I mean." I looked at her in the eye when I said that, so she knew I was speaking the truth. She smiled back, so warming, it could have warmed my broken, cold soul. "Call me Yrene. I should not run away from the name my mother gave me. And as for today, well I saw the look on your face and would not accept anyone who posed as a threat to you." I smiled back, then told Yrene, "Well you know, that 'person'? It was actually Arobynn Hamel- King of the assassins." I laughed at the look of horror on Yrene's face and said, " don't worry, I still have a few tricks up my sleeve". But Yrene was already fast asleep, softly snoring.

When I woke up just around dawn, I found Yrene already up, and looking through some of the crates. She pulled something out, which looked and smelled like bread. That's because it is bread. "What are you doing?" "These crates could be decades old!" I said. She rolled her eyes, "no silly, these wee only shipped... 10 days ago!"
"Gee, only ten days" I replied,
"Would you rather starve instead?" She asked sweetly,
"Fine" I grumbled. She broke of a piece and shoved if towards me. Standing up, I went to grab it from her, and had just turned away, when she asked, "Where are your manners?"
"At home" I replied with a mouthful of bread. She looked at me, for a few minutes, and I gave up while saying, "Thank you" she smiled in approval, and dug in to hers.

"Let's go." I told Yrene while getting the annoying dress I wore over my tunic and pants chucking it into a crate. She stood up, stretching her muscles, and I heard them crack. "Today we have to watch out for Arobynn, because he'll kill us if he sees us, so just look on the bright side." I told her.
"What bright side? She said glaring at me.
"He will only kill us quickly!" I grinned at her horrified face, then set off, hoping that Yrene was following.

At mid morning, we stopped out the front of a large forest again. "Where to now?" Yrene asked, taking a swig of water.
"Through the forest, and I hope that, it will lead to Adarlan and then to my sister!" I said, but a nagging voice in the back of my mind told me I was going the wrong way. We began walking, again through a forest, that let off an eerie feeling.

Half an hour later, we were more than in the middle of the forest. I walked along, and I was in a very good mood. Nothing had come out to bother us, but obviously, something was bound to go wrong. And as usual, it happened now. I trudged through the forest, feeling so high and as if I were flying, until I realised I was in the air. I had accidentally stepped into some trap, and it had scooped me up in a net. What a nuisance. Cutting the rope I continued on with Yrene without a word, then noticed how much of a fool I was. Quickly, I ran back to the net. The size of it was abnormal, the strength of it was unusual, it was the type of trap that would slow a bear down.

The net obviously wouldn't hold a bear for long, but would give hunters an advantage over it. "We have to get out of this forest. Now!" I shouted at Yrene. As usual, with my luck, a grizzly bear stepped out from the shadows next to Yrene. I dived for her, shoving Yrene out the way, as the bear swiped at her head, and instead, scratching my arm, almost ripping it into shreds. I helped her up and we ran as fast as our legs could. Thankfully Yrene was a fast runner, and we made it out of the forest in minutes before the bear could catch us. We stopped out of the forest, and I inspected my arm more closely. It had four deep, and long gashes and the bleeding wouldn't stop. Yrene was already onto it though, she had pulled out a bandage... A bandage? Where did that come from? But she strapped it around my arm nonetheless, so tight that if it was any tighter, it would have cut the blood circulation to my arm. Regaining my senses, I hadn't even looked at where we were, my mouth fell open as I viewed the scenery- houses, and busy streets, horses trotting around, ladies fanning their faces but the most beautiful sight of all, a castle of glass. I was in Adarlan.

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