Chapter 23:

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Celaena led me to the castle, explaining along the way about how she was the king's champion and went around killing people for him. However, she was not actually killing them, she was pretending to kill them, and then giving them a new life and a new name. But was I starting to feel sympathy for her? Not in the slightest bit. Did she ever prevent my sister's death? No. I politely listened to her chatter biting my tongue to keep me from ripping out my hair- and hers for that matter. On and on we went, until finally we reached Adarlan's castle. It was even more magnificent up close.

I gazed up at the masterpiece of glass. The glass glistened in the sunlight, and the gardens shone with brightness. She grinned at my face of astonishment, and pulled me closer. I fumbled while trying to get my footing back, but was able to in the end, follow after my sister's killer. We entered, and it was even more amazing inside. People hustled around humbly and the furniture was exquisite. How wealthy could kings and queens be? The couches were divine, the wardrobes could be worth a house each, and the artwork- how I loved art. I could begin to live here! Maybe I could forgive her.... I mean it's only my sister's murderer right..... I began to think No! You horrible witch, why would you think that? My mind raced back and forth, but in the end, I decided my sister was more important. Celaena glanced suspiciously at my face but quickly turned away, spoke to one of the servants, and then faced me again. "Wait 'till you see your room!" She said excitedly, but somewhere, I'm certain that I saw a hint of fake in that happy-go-lucky smile, was I walking into a trap?

Half being dragged, half stumbling, Celaena pulled be up the long flight of stairs to my room and shoved me in. She quietly close the door, and tiptoed u behind me. "This is my room" she smiled, a look of evil creeping up to her face. "And," she picked at her nails, then set dead eyes on me, "Intruders are forbidden." I laughed nervously,
"Well hopefully I don't qualify.... I don't do I?" I asked, my voice small all of a sudden.
"Oh, you qualify more than an intruder, I never forget the face of an old enemy's relative." She cackled and then hooked an arm around my neck, punching me in the head until unconsciousness greeted me.

As I came to, I though about how messed up my life was- how many times had I been knocked out? 5,6? But that didn't mean anything, because Celaena Sardothien stored towards me, holding one too many weapons. She glanced at the clocked, which ticked loudly, slashing through the silence like a sword. Her deadly eyes cut through the air, tearing into my mind, and my hands began to tremble, my eyesight was fading- am I actually experiencing a new feeling? Was this fear? Aelin/Celaena came up so close to me, I felt her breath on my nose, "What is your real name?" She asked, so quiet, it was barely a whisper. I shook my head in defiance, if I were to die here, I'd go down with dignity. Sighing she stretched her arm, well I thought she was until her hand curled into a fist and punched me in the head. She gripped my head, then kneed me in the nose, cracking it the wrong way. I blinked back tears and bit my tongue from screaming as blood trickled down my nose, and I felt the broken bones in my nose shift. She grabbed my arm, which was tied to the chair, sliced through the rope that was holding it the bent it back so far, that it dislocated itself and then I could not hold it in anymore. Not the betrayal, but the anger and fear. My scream cut through the air so violently Celaena had to cover her ears. She fumbled around for something then stuffed a cloth in my raging mouth, then cold metal collided into my head, and I was once again, knocked out.

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