Young Haymitch Imagine

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~After the 2nd quarter quell~

There it was. He was finally home. All the torture he had to go through, that the Capitol put him through, both mental and physical, and he was finally home. Back in District 12.

I guessed he wouldn't be feeling that great. Having to kill multiple people and watch those you know, especially Maysilee, die and not being able to do anything. It was stupid, no, beyond stupid. It was torture on everyone except those lucky enough to live in the Capitol.

Especially the Quarter Quells. Every 25 years the games would be different, a unique game. This year, for the Second Quell, there were two times the tributes. 48 kids. 47 deaths until 1 victor. Thank god it was Haymitch. Well to an extent, but I'm not going to get into that.

We all watched as the train slowed, eventually, stopping at the platform. The doors opened and we all held our breaths, waiting for our first victor to step out. Our district official stepped out and gestured back to the train.

After a moment, he stepped out. There was one moment of complete silence before the crowd erupted into cheers. Haymitch's family rushed the stage, enveloping him in a giant hug. Tears ran down his mothers face and tears threatened to spill from his father's eyes. Haymitch's eyes lit up but something was off. He might be fooling everyone else but he couldn't fool me.

I waited at the back of the crowd. I wasn't cheering, I should be but I lost my best friend to stupid birds that the Capitol created, and quite possibly lost my other best friend to the horrible experience, created by the Capitol. Instead, I just stood there, watching and waiting, hoping he would notice me. Every once in a while he would look around, as looking for someone or something. His eyes would seem to be looking straight at me and I would wave but he gave no response. Eventually I gave up.

The festivities began and he walked through the crowd. I tried to get to him but people kept pushing me back, trying for themselves, to get to the returning hero and celebrity. I huffed in annoyance and turned to leave, deciding that on my way home I would check in on Maysilee's family.

~An hour or so later~

I was trying to cook something for myself, not wanting to join the festival of one returning person when three others in our district were dead. There was no way I was taking part in something the Capitol created.

Suddenly there was a soft knock on the door. I put the spoon next to the pot and went over.

"Haymitch?" I asked surprised. He looked up and tried to smile.

"Can I come in?" he asked quietly. I stepped aside and, once he was in, shut the door behind him.

"Do you want some soup?" I asked, trying to ease the growing tension. "I can't guarantee that it will taste as good as out there or in the Capitol but I can testify that it tastes delicious," I tried to joke. He looked at me and tried to smile but something was bothering him.

"Thanks, (Y/N)," he said as I placed a bowl in front of him. I prepared a bowl for myself and sat next to him. I watched him. He didn't touch the soup. He didn't even seem to be looking at it, it was like he was back in the games.

"Haymitch?" I called quietly while gently placing a hand on his arm. He looked at me but his eyes weren't the same. They were darker, cloudier, lifeless. I saw tears brimming and pulled him closer. "You're home, okay? I'm here, it's okay, Haymitch," I tried comforting. I could feel his sobs wracking through his body.

"No it's not. No it's not, (Y/N). She's dead and it's all my fault." I could feel tears starting to form in my own eyes but I couldn't cry, I had to stay strong for him.

"Haymitch, there was nothing you could do. This is the Capitol's fault, not yours."

"I should've gone back with her. I could've grabbed her and hidden her."

"But then what? Either you both would be dead or you would've had to watch that career girl kill her. Look I didn't want either of you to go, Haymitch, but her death isn't your fault." His sobs slowed and he began hiccuping. I chuckled a little before getting him a glass of water. "Look, I know you feel this is your fault, and that I won't be able to change your mind, but I want you to know that I don't believe it was your fault. I'm blaming this whole thing on the Capitol. Haymitch, if you need anything I'm here, okay?" He nodded before suddenly standing up.

"Where does your dad keep the alcohol?" he asked, rummaging through cupboards.

"Well for one not in plain sight and two why?" I asked standing up.

"Because I want, no scratch that, need to get drunk," he replied turning around.

"Only if I can get drunk with you. She was my best friend too."

"Done. Now where's the alcohol?" I chuckled before speed walking to the bathroom. I reached under the tub and pulled out two bottles. I brought them back and handed one to Haymitch. "Cheers," he said halfheartedly before taking a giant swig. He walked to the couch, plopping down and taking another swig. I followed him, taking a couple drinks of the bitter liquid.

After about half an hour, and a couple more bottles, we were drunk. We both knew we would hate getting up tomorrow but, at the moment, we didn't care.

"Won't your dad know that the bottles are missing?" Haymitch asked, adding a hiccup at the end. I took another gulp.

"Only if he's watching from his grave," I replied bitterly. He froze.

"(Y/N), I'm sorry," he whispered. I shrugged. "What happened?"

"His part of the mine collapsed. He got trapped under a rock and they couldn't get to him until too late. But, I'm just blaming the Capitol." He laughed.

"You blame everything on the Capitol, don't you?"

"Why not? They put us in this hell hole and aren't doing anything to help."

"Cheers to that," he said, clinking his bottle against mine. We chugged our bottles until the were empty then threw them on the floor. We sat quietly for a moment before I snuggled closer to him. He wrapped his arm around me, pulling me closer. "You know what my thought was during the games?" he asked suddenly.

"Let's kill these sons of bitches!" I shouted, showing that I was completely drunk. He laughed, a deep and amazing laugh, one that started in the depths of his chest and rumbled up and out of his mouth.

"Yes," he started. "But also that I had to get home to see you. We didn't get a chance to say good bye and I couldn't leave without seeing you again." I stayed quiet, wanting to hear everything that he said and not wanting to disrupt his train of thought.

"Why did that matter?" I asked when he didn't continue.

"Because I'm in love with you, (Y/N). I have been since the day Maysilee introduced us in school. The reason I needed to save her so badly was because you two were like sisters and I knew her death would destroy you and I would blame myself. I'm so so sorry," he cried. He pulled away and got up. He put his hands over his eyes and I just sat there stunned. "The worst part is is that I failed, (Y/N), I failed so miserably. She's dead and you have no family left. I'm so sorry." He ran his fingers through his hair, pulling at the ends. I got up and walked slowly towards him, taking his hands in mine.

"You didn't fail. She probably knew you loved me and wanted you to get back to me. Haymitch, I've already lost her because of the games and the Capitol, please don't let them take you away too. I can't lose you because you're all I have left," I said softly. I bit my lip and smiled gently when he looked at me. "Haymitch, I love you too."

Then his hands were cupping my cheeks, pulling me closer and our lips connected. He kissed me gently. His hands left my cheeks and wrapped around my waist, pulling me even closer to him. When he broke the kiss, his hands returned to my cheeks, his thumbs tracing my cheek bones and moving a few strands of hair out of my face.

"I'll make you a deal," I suggested. "You don't let the Capitol take you from me and I won't let them take me from you. Deal?"

"Deal," he replied smiling before kissing me again.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I literally cried while writing this. I'm sorry for how long it is and for the feels.

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