TC Callahan Imagine

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This is 3/5 I'm publishing tonight. I'm making a new book dedicated to Tom Holland (and Harrison Osterfield, of course). I might post the imagines for them in this book and the new one for now. I hope you enjoy this one from The Night Shift!


"(Y/N)? (Y/N), can you hear me?" You gave a slight nod. "Do you know where you are?"

"Hospital," you croaked out.

"Do you remember what happened?"

"There was an accident."

"(Y/N)? (Y/N)!" another voice broke through the fog.

"TC?" you whispered. You blinked a few times, trying to get your eyes to focus.

"Let me go, Jordan!" you heard him shout.

"T, I'm not letting you treat her unless you can focus," Jordan instructed.

"Like you'd be able to keep me away from my girlfriend." You felt someone grab your hand. "I'm hear, (Y/N). I'm not going to leave you."

"TC!" Jordan shouted. 

"I'll be there with him."

"Thanks, Topher."

"T," you said.

"I'm here."

"Everything hurts."

"I know, baby. I know. Topher and I are going to take care of you, okay?"

"I'm tired, T."

"(Y/N), I need you to stay awake. Can you do that for me, baby?" You nodded.

"The other car. Are the people okay?" you asked.

"The paramedics said you saved their lives. I think TC is teaching you bad habits," Topher teased.

"Don't make me laugh, Toph. It hurts too much."

"Hey, if you still feel the pain, it means you haven't gone into shock. And that you're still alive," he reasoned. 

"How about finding a way to get rid of the pain?"

"Jeez, T. She's spending way too much time with you."

"Never. She's the one who made me sarcastic. She's perfect the way she is."

"I told you not to make me laugh!"

"It's my job to make you laugh!" TC argued.

"I thought it was your job to make me better?"

"Oh snap! You're right, TC. She definitely didn't get her sass and sarcasm from you."

"Shut up, Topher." Topher winked at you, making your smile grow bigger.

You froze. It felt like a building had collapsed on your chest, making it impossible to breathe. Your chest tightened and you started gasping for air. 

"(Y/N), try to relax."

"She's got a collapsed lung, Toph. (Y/N), I'm going to insert a tube so it's easier to breathe." You nodded, still trying to get enough oxygen. 

Within seconds, you heard a release of air and there was no longer a building on your chest. 

"Alright, let's get her up to surgery," Topher instructed the team around you.

"Wait!" You searched for TC's hand. He grabbed your hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"I'm here."

"I'm scared, TC."

"I know. I'll be with you the whole time. I promise I'm not going to leave your side."

You felt the meds starting to work. Your eyelids felt heavier each time you blinked, and your vision started to get blurry.

"Don't worry, (Y/N). I'm here. Just relax," TC said. "I love you."


"Hey, baby," TC's voice echoed through your head. You felt his hand give yours a squeeze as he placed a gentle kiss on your forehead. You opened your eyes and gave him a small smile.

"What time is it?" you asked.

"Ten thirty."


"PM." You stared at him, waiting for an explanation. You had come in around 3 am. There was no way the surgery would've taken that long. TC looked at your hand in his. You could see his struggle to hold back tears.

"T," you said softly. "Tell me what happened."

"Maybe Topher was right."

"About what?" You shifted closer to him, ignoring the pain that shot through your body and the protests from all the machines. 

"If you hadn't helped those people," he started. "Your heart stopped, (Y/N)."

"What does that have to do with Topher being right, and helping the other people in the accident?"

"Your heart stopped because of all the stress it was under from your injuries, plus the stress of helping the other people. I taught you to do that. To help people through your own pain."

"Stop, TC Callahan. You didn't teach me anything. Those people were going to die if they didn't get help right away. It was my instinct to help people that kicked in. The only thing you taught me was how to tell who needed the most help. None of this is or was your fault." You reached over and wiped a tear from his cheek. 

"Maybe if-"

"No, TC. There's no maybe anything. There's nothing you could've done. If you had been in the car, you would've gotten hurt too. Or worse. T, I don't want you to carry any guilt with you about this. I'm still alive, and I'm okay."

"I know. But you scared me," he said. Your heart broke. You hadn't even thought about how he would've felt if things had turned out worse. 

"I'm okay, T. I'm even better with you here," you said softly. "I'm so sorry I scared you. I like helping people."

"I know. And I know I would've done the same exact thing."

"I love you, TC."

"I love you too, (Y/N)." He smiled and leaned over, planting a kiss on your lips. "Can I go home now?"

"What do you mean?"

"I made some gorgeous girl a promise to be at her side the entire time she was in surgery, and she just woke up."

"She must be some girl for you to make a promise like that."

"Oh, she is. I bet you would love her."

"Oh really?"

"Most definitely." He smirked as you laughed.

"Shut up and kiss me, Callahan."

"With pleasure."

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