Tom Holland Imagine

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"Tom?" you called from the bedroom. "Have you seen my lucky earrings?"

Today was very important. You had an interview at the Chicago Tribune, for the job of Copy Editor, and you were a nervous wreck. It was your dream job, and while you felt confident, you didn't believe they would hire you. You were fresh out of college, and the only experience you had was from the school newspaper -- and a few internships, but those mostly consisted of fetching coffee for everyone. 

"What do they look like?" Tom asked, walking into the room.

"They're gold and shaped like 4-leaf clovers," you responded while pulling out another drawer and rifling through it. 

"You mean the earrings that you sent to the jewelers to be fixed and cleaned?" Tom asked holding up a pick-up slip.

"NOOO!" you shouted running over and snatching the slip from his hand. You read it over and groaned. "Tomorrow. The pick-up date is tomorrow." You collapsed onto the bed. 

"It's okay," Tom tried to console.

"No, it's not," you replied. "Where's my phone?"


"I'm going to call them and cancel my interview," you decided, grabbing your phone.

"No you're not," Tom replied stealing your phone. "You don't need those earrings to get the job. You are talented and perfect for it. I bet those earrings aren't as lucky as you think."

"It's not that. They just make me feel invincible, that's why I say they're lucky. They give me an extra confidence boost that I need." You roll onto your stomach, burying your face in the blankets.

You feel the bed shift as Tessa jumps up and starts trying to lick your face. You groan and try to push her away, which only makes her more determined. Tom laughs and pulls her off the bed.

"I've got an idea," he says sitting next to you. 

"What?" you mumbled into the sheets. 

"I can't tell you while you're facing the mattress." You groaned again, but rolled over. You blinked a few times, trying to focus on the object dangling over your face. 

"Your necklace?" you gasp, sitting up. "Tom, I can't take your necklace."

"Yes you can. It will remind you of how talented, beautiful, and amazing you are. It can be your new good luck charm," he responded smiling. He slipped it over your head before pulling you into a hug. "You're going to do great. Now, you better get going, or you'll be late." He handed you your bag before giving you a quick kiss.

"Thank you," you whispered.

****A few hours later****

You came home to find Tom cooking your favorite food. He claimed it was to give you extra luck, but you knew it was something else. You didn't argue when he told you to go change, your heels were killing you. When you got to the bedroom, you found a box with a ribbon wrapped around it. 

You opened it in excitement, and you weren't disappointed. Inside was a dress that was your favorite color. You held it against your body and looked in the mirror. It was beautiful and you were hesitant to put it on, but Tom had bought it for you, and he usually had good taste.

You put it on and looked in the mirror again. It was perfect. It hugged every curve perfectly and showed your body off without being too revealing.

"It's gorgeous," you breathed out.

"I thought you'd like it," Tom said smiling and leaning against the door frame.

"You shouldn't have, Tom," you scolded gently. You walked over to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

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