Grant Gustin & Shawn Mendes Imagine for NiallForever15

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Hope that you like it  !!!

"Shawn? Grant?" you called out. "Guys, this isn't funny! Where are you?" You sighed and tried to search through the darkness. You were at an abandoned warehouse because your best friend told you to meet him there. Then, fifteen minutes after the text from Shawn, Grant had texted asking if you had talked with Shawn. You were suspicious but decided to go along with what ever their plan was. You pulled out your phone to read the text over again.

Meet at 7 at the old matchbox factory, it read. Well, it was now 7:30 and you were thinking of turning around and heading home.

"Where are you guys?" you typed. Barely after you hit send, you heard a soft buzzing come from within the darkness. You turned on the flashlight and began walking towards the sound. There were stacks of old wooden boxes on either side of you, casting shadows where ever the light wasn't, making the warehouse even creepier. 

After walking up and down the rows, more than once, you decided to call Shawn's phone. You heard the buzzing and tried to follow the sound. 

"Shawn?" you called out again, but no answer. Finally, you found his phone, but no Shawn. "What is going on?" you asked yourself. You tried to find the exit but there were so many boxes surrounding you, that you knew you were lost. "Guys! Guys, come out! I'm really scared!" But your voice just echoed through the building. You jumped when you felt your phone buzzing in your hand. You took a few shaky breaths before answering.

"(Y/N)?" Grant's voice sounded through the phone. "Where are you? You were supposed to be home an hour ago." 

"I'm at the old matchbox factory, where you and Shawn told me to meet you," you responded, confused.

"No I didn't." You heard some rustling through the phone before hearing Grant say, "Shawn, did you tell (Y/N) to meet us at the old matchbox factory?"

"I haven't been able to text anyone," you heard Shawn say. "Some one stole my phone when I was at the coffee shop."

"Grant, what's going on?" you asked, starting to panic. 

"Don't worry, princess, we're coming right now. Don't move," he responded. "Do you need me to stay on the phone?"

"Yes," you whispered. "Grant?"

"Yeah, princess?" He was worried. You could hear it in his voice.

"I'm really scared. And I thought you guys were hear because I texted Shawn's phone and I heard it in here, so I called it and I have it but now I'm lost in the boxes. And, I don't know where to go or how to get out. Please hurry, Grant," you rambled. You heard the car doors slam as the boys got into Grant's car.

"Don't worry. We're on our way," he reassured you. You heard some creaking and spun around.

"Who's there?" you called out. No one answered.

"(Y/N)? Are you okay?" Shawn asked.

"I think someone's here with me," you whispered. 

"Oh, darling. You've got nothing to worry about," a deep voice said from behind you. Suddenly, a large hand covered your mouth as you were about to scream. You still screamed, as loud as you possibly could, but his hand muffled the sound.

"(Y/N)? (Y/N), what's happening? Talk to us!" Grant shouted. The man snatched the phone out of your hand.

"Don't worry boys," he said. "She will be fine, as long as she doesn't try to resist."

"Who is this?" You heard Shawn ask.

"Donnie," he responded before dropping your phone on the ground and stomping on it. Your eyes widened as your head caught up with your hearing. Donnie, the last guy you dated before finding Grant. The guy that you were hoping to never see again, or if you did, that you had Grant or Shawn with you. "Now, darling. Where were we?" he asked, spinning you around. He let out a deep grumbling laugh that sent shivers to your spine. "Oh yeah. I was kidnapping you." 

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