Coldplay - Chris Martin Imagine for Emma

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"Come on, guys!" you exclaimed. "We're going to be late!"

"Emma, calm down," one of your friends responded. "We're already here. All we have to do is find our seats."

"We still have 20 minutes before the concert even starts," your other friend added.

"Yeah, but if we get there early we might be able to see them and talk to them!" you explained.

"Emma, they're probably already backstage."

"Well, if you guys hadn't taken so long to get ready, we could've been here earlier," you retorted. "Maybe one of them has to grab something from the stage. Unfortunately, we won't be able to know if you continue to walk like sloths."

"I don't think she likes this band," your friends teased.

"I think you're right. I think we should just go home." You rolled your eyes and ignored your friends. You got to the door and handed the woman your ticket.

"Enjoy the concert," she smiled, handing your ticket back.

You did it. You were finally at a Coldplay concert. All the time you spent working and saving your money was finally paying off.

"Emma? Emma, are you okay?" your friend asked.

"Yeah I'm good," you responded in a daze. You blinked away the rest of your trance and followed your friends to you seats. You tapped your feet nervously. Pulling out your phone, you checked the time. "Not long now." 

You looked at the stage and realized that once they came out, you wouldn't be able to see. You cursed your height, or lack there of. You hated being 4'8. It made it very difficult to do a lot of things, like being able to see the entire stage and what was going on.

The lights dimmed and everyone started to scream. The people in front of you sprang up, instantly blocking your view. The music started and everyone's screams became louder.

"Hey everyone! How are you doing tonight?" Screams.

"Are you ready to have some fun?" More screams.

"I don't know, Chris. I don't think they heard you." You heard Chris chuckle.

"Let's try this again. Are you guys ready to have some fun?" The screams were deafening. The guys smiled before continuing. They thanked us for coming out and began to play.

People were singing and dancing. Some were still screaming, trying to get their attention, but you were just trying to see them. You were jumping up and down, standing on your seat, climbing on your friends, anything and everything to try to see. You hated being short. 

"Emma, do you want to trade spots with me?" your friend shouted in your ear. You nodded. Your friends moved down as you squeezed past them. Her spot was slightly better, but you height was still a massive disadvantage. 

The guys finished their song. You watched Chris walking towards your area. You looked back to the rest of the stage, figuring that there was an unruly fan somewhere behind you. You saw Chris walk back to the rest of the group. His microphone was off, so you couldn't hear what he was saying, but the drummer was engaging the crowd.

"Miss? Miss, what's your name?" Your friend gently shoved you.

"Emma, he's talking to you," she shouted. 

"What?" You looked away from Chris. You saw the guard in front of you and had a mini heart attack.

"You're not in trouble," he chuckled. "What's your name?"

"Em-Emma," you stammered. Your heart was beating a mile a minute. 

"Well, Miss Emma, how would you like to go up on stage?"

"What?" you shrieked. The guard laughed, again.

"Yes She would love to go up on stage!" your friends replied for you. You felt the blood rush to your cheeks. The guard reached out a hand and helped you off the seat. He walked you to the steps on the side of the stage and brought you up. You stood on the side. Finally, Chris walked over to you.

"What's your name, love?" he asked.

"Emma." He smiled.

"It's very nice to meet you, Emma," he said. "Don't worry about your friends. I gave Henry a couple backstage passes so they can meet you after." You nodded. His smile got bigger and you felt less nervous. You were meeting your favorite band. And, you were meeting your all time favorite person, Chris freakin' Martin. 

Your phone buzzed.

"Smile, you're on camera." You looked up and saw Chris smiling and waving while you were standing next to him on your phone, looking like a complete idiot.

"Everyone, I'd like you to meet the lovely Emma," he said. You waved and gave a half smile. 

"Hi, Emma," the crowd cheered. You smiled wider. You were standing next to Chris Martin, on stage, at a Coldplay concert.

"Emma," Chris began. "What's your favorite song?"

"Sky Full of Stars," you replied into the microphone that suddenly appeared in front of you. 

"Beautiful song. Do you want to help us sing it?"

"I'm not sure how good it would sound," you joked. The band laughed.

"It would be a beautiful addition," Chris reassured. He took your hand and led you to a stool placed in the middle of the stage. They began playing and singing. You didn't feel nervous when they smiled at you and everyone helped them sing. 

Needless to say, it was the best night of your life.


Thank you VettelFerrari for requesting this imagine! I hope you like it!  

Side note: I have another request coming up for Jay Halstead from Chicago P.D. If you want to request an imagine, don't be afraid to DM (PM?) me. I'm open to a lot of things! I'm also starting a Tom Holland, with some Harrison Osterfield, imagines book which will probably be up after the Halstead imagine is up.

Be kind to one another and love you all,


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