Liam Court Imagine Requested by Fuinnforever05

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Thank you for waiting! I'm sorry it took so long, Fuinnforever05! I hope you like it!

"Thank you for helping with the sets, Liam," Annie said. You looked over and watched as she placed a hand on his arm while flashing a flirtatious smile at him.

"I'm only here because it was this or detention, and I'd rather not sit in an empty classroom with a teacher staring me down," he replied.

"Still, I'm glad you're here," she reassured.

"Whatever." Annie smiled again before turning. You looked away, hoping she didn't catch you, but your luck was never that good. You could feel her watching you as you helped another girl with her costume.

The rest of the day, you tried avoiding Liam, knowing that Annie wouldn't be too far away. It killed you inside. You and Liam had grown close since you moved here. He was always willing to help you with car troubles, or fixing your boat, and then teaching you the proper way to drive them.

It was hard being the new kid, but even harder because of how close everyone was. You sighed. Maybe later you could ask Liam if he wanted to go sailing.

The rest of rehearsal went by fast. Only one major wardrobe malfunction but you were out before the sun had begun to set. You got to your car and looked around.

"Liam!" you called, spotting him a few cars over. He looked around, but Annie stepped in front of him before he had a chance to see you. She glanced back at you, smirked, and looked back at Liam. You looked away, suppressing the urge to run over and punch her. You swung your bag on to the passenger seat before starting the car. You sped past them, barely hearing Liam calling your name.

You didn't know where you were going, you just knew you wanted to leave everyone here. You felt like an outcast every day at school, until you met Liam. He wasn't like everyone else, even though he fit better. He would talk to you, invite you to go surfing, and help you when you needed it. You guys didn't talk about family life, knowing that neither were that great. But, you were always there for each other.

You wanted to talk to him now, but you couldn't. Not this time and definitely not about Annie. You knew that he had feelings for her, whether he liked to admit it or not, and he considered her a friend. You didn't want to tell him who he could or couldn't be friends with, he already had enough people telling him no.

You took a deep breath, trying to calm down. You looked around and realized that you were almost to your grandfather's auto repair shop. You debated turning towards the beach, but saw the red stripes on the top of the building and decided against using the extra gas. You had no intention of working on any of your cars, not like you really knew what to do.

You pulled into the parking lot and grabbed your keys. The moment you stepped out of your car, it started to rain. 

"Great," you mumbled. You ran through the rain, trying to dodge as many rain drops as possible. You unlocked the garage and ran to your office, flopping onto the couch only to smell Liam's colone on the pillows. You sighed and flipped over, but it was no use. You were surrounded by his scent. 

"Hello?" you heard someone call. You froze. No one was supposed to be here. Your grandfather had a habit of giving random days off, and today happened to be one of them. "(Y/N), you here?"

"Shit," you muttered. Of course he had managed to find you.

"(Y/N)?" Liam called again. You could hear his footsteps on the tile getting closer.

"In here," you finally squeaked out.

"Hey." He leaned against the door frame.


"You left pretty fast after rehearsal. I was going to ask you if you wanted to hit the beach."

"You seemed really busy with your girlfriend."

"My girlfr-. You mean Annie?" he laughed. "(Y/N), she's not my girlfriend, just friend."

"It sure didn't seem like it," you argued. 

"(Y/N), where is this coming from?" He walked over and sat next to you.

"No where! You're just hanging out with her a lot more lately."

"Wait, are you jealous?"

"What?! Now you're the one who's delusional."

"You totally are!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"I am not jealous!"

"Just admit it! You're jealous of Annie!" You didn't reply. He smirked.

"Say I was jealous, which I'm not, what would you do?" you asked.

"I would figure out why," he responded. "But, you're not jealous, so nothing to figure out."

"Right." You fell into silence again. "Why are you spending so much time with her?"

"She's my friend."

"Right." You stared at the floor.

"Honestly?" he asked, interrupting your thoughts. "She has been appearing around me lately. Doesn't matter where I am. I've tried telling her that I have plans with you, but she doesn't leave. I would much rather spend time with you."

"You'd rather spend time with me?"

"Of course. There's no extra drama, I can talk to you about anything, and I can just relax around you. I don't have to worry about hiding anything from you," he smiled.

"Oh." You blushed and Liam laughed at you, which only made you turn a darker shade of red.

"You are jealous!" he laughed.

"Maybe." He laughed harder. "Stop! It's not that funny!"

"You're right, you're right. It's not funny." He stopped laughing before smiling and continuing, "it's hilarious!"

"You're such a jerk." You stuck your tongue out at him. Finally, you couldn't help it. His laugh was too contagious. You guys sat there, laughing like a couple of idiots. You tried to stop, but every time you looked at each other, you would start laughing again. 

Eventually, you were able to calm down and breathe. The laughing faded to smiles and smirks, occasionally a giggle or two. (Mainly from Liam.) He pushed himself off the couch and smiled at you.

"Come on," he said, extending a hand to help you up.

"Where are we going?" you asked.

"The beach. Late night surfing always better.


I want to apologize again for the severe lateness. I thought I had published it but apparently not, or wattpad did something weird. I hope you all like it! Thank you to @Fuinnforever05 for requesting it! I hope you all are doing well!

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