Jay Halstead Imagine Part 1

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Thank you to ImanAlderawi for the request!

"Hey, babe. I was just about to-"

"Jay, Jay, Please! You have to come! They're trying to break in!"

"(Y/N), slow down. Where are you?" He grabbed his coat and raced down the steps.

"My apartment. Jay, they just busted down the door!"

"Lock yourself in the bathroom, try to escape out the window or something. Just get out of there, (Y/N)!" he instructed. He sped out of the parking lot, not caring if he hit any cars. He pulled out the radio and gave dispatch your address, telling them to get anyone and everyone to your apartment. "(Y/N), you still there?"

"Jay, they have guns. Please hurry!"

"I'm on my way, I promise. Breathe, (Y/N), breathe." He bit his lip, trying to avoid other drivers and pedestrians. "I'm almost there."

"Jay," you began.

"(Y/N)? (Y/N)?" he shouted. He heard you scream before the phone went silent. "(Y/N)!"

Within minutes, he was at your building. He screeched to a stop, quickly throwing the car in park before jumping out. He sprinted up the stairs, passing a couple officers.

"Detective!" He didn't stop.

"(Y/N)? (Y/N)!" He ran through your apartment, checking every place that you could be. Your scream echoed in his head as he tried to ignore the fact that you weren't there, but he knew he had to accept it. 

"Jay?" Erin's voice rang out.

"Back here." He heard her footsteps getting closer. Jay knelt in the bathroom doorway trying to find any clues that could lead him to you.

"Well find her," Erin said. "I promise."

Jay nodded. He could feel tears starting to gather around his eyes and he took a deep breath. He had no clue who would want to take you, or why. He tried to think of someone but, as far as he knew, everyone loved you. You were able to walk into a room and bring a gentle warmth and sense of calm. No one was ever nervous when you were around.

"Track her phone."


"Erin, track her phone. It's not here. This is the last place she was and it's not here, or anywhere else. She must still have it. We need to track her phone." Erin nodded as she called it in.

"Jay, I've got a location."

"Let's go."


They pulled up outside an abandoned house. Being careful not to make too much noise, they approached the front door while the other officers went around back.

"In position, detective." Jay looked at Erin and she nodded. Jay took a step back before kicking the door down. They searched the house, but you weren't there. Jay stood in what appeared to have been a living room, looking around at the dust covered shelves and windowsills. 

"Jay, look at this." Erin handed him a phone. He could see your face and he hesitated.

"I don't think I can watch this."

"I'm here," Erin said. "I'll press play and everything if you only want to listen to it." 

Jay shook his head and pressed play. There was a bit of rustling as the camera focused on your face. You had a cloth around your mouth and tears streaming down your face. Your wrists and ankles were bound to a chair with duct tape, and he could see the bruises forming from your efforts to escape.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" a voice said. The camera moved closer to your face, illuminating a scratch under your right eye. "I hear you care deeply for this girl, Jay. I can see why. She's absolutely breath taking, and quite special I've been told. You must love her very much to be watching this video."

"Son of a bitch."

"What?" Erin asked, but Jay was too focused on the video to answer. The camera flipped around, revealing the cameraman.

"I'm hurt, Jay. I thought we were friends. I thought you had managed to escape the cops and that you were underground until the heat cooled off. But to my surprise, you are a cop. You betrayed me. We were about to be rich. We were about to rule the city, or we could've left to our own private islands."

"Jay, what's he talking about?"

"Now, you won't be able to trace me using the GPS on the phone. I'm sure you've noticed that this is (Y/N)'s phone, and that there isn't any evidence to suggest we were there. Which is true. We never were. I had my men take her phone to that house. I couldn't go back there, too many memories of us." The man sighed. "Anyway, I'm sure your girlfriend would love to talk to you but she's a little tied up at the moment. I'll contact you, soon, with instructions, Jay Halstead."

"Jay, who is he?"

"A guy that I put away while I was in vice."

"Who is he exactly?"

"He was a low level thug in a drug organization. He enlisted my help to start a coup and I agreed because it would be easier than trying to gain the trust of the leader. Basically, we got immunity for giving evidence and testifying against the leader, and after the heat had cooled off, he took control and made me his second. Eventually, I gathered enough evidence against him that we were able to dismantle the organization for good."

"How could he take (Y/N) if he's in prison?"

"I believe that would be my fault." Jay and Erin turned around to find a man in a suit standing on the porch. 

"Who are you?" Jay asked. 

"Prosecuting attorney Mike Lane." He stuck out his hand. He waited a moment before realizing that neither of them were going to shake his hand. "Look, I'm sorry. He was supposed to testify in court."

"Why was he out of prison?"

"He was in protective custody because-"

"I don't give a damn who he was testifying against! He's a sociopath and never have left prison! Now he has my girlfriend and will kill her unless I can find him."


"No, you never should've let Jack out of prison. Do you know what he was called by the other members of the organization? Jack the Ripper. He murdered anyone who got in his way and every murder was more gruesome than the last."

"Detective, plea-"

"You aren't allowed to talk to me anymore. Not unless you have some way of finding my girlfriend." Jay started walking out of the house.

"Detective Halstead, I have a way!" Jay stopped. He turned and stared at the lawyer.

"You prepared for him to escape and you still let him out? Do you realize how stupid you are?"

"I understand your frustration-"

"I hope you have a solid case without Jack." The lawyer stared at Jay. "When I see Jack, I'm putting a bullet through his skull."

"Jay, go wait outside," Erin instructed. "Now!"


"Are you sure we have the right address?" Jay asked.

"It's what the coordinates said."

"How do we know we can trust the lawyer?"

"It's the only lead we have," she said. "Wait. Jay, stop the car." 

He pulled over to the side of the road and placed the car in park, but Erin was already out the door. He got out of the car, careful not to make too much noise, and followed her into the woods. She had stopped just inside the tree line and he finally saw the cabin. They looked back to make sure the other officers were following before continuing closer. 

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