Cameron Black Imagine

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"Cam? You here?" you called out walking through the Archives.

"On the roof, darling!" Dina said as she cleaned up dishes from dinner.

"Thanks, Dina!" you said taking the stairs two at a time. You reached the top landing and pushed open the door, instantly being wrapped in the cold wind as it whipped over the roof and through the city. "How do you not freeze while up here?"

Cameron kept his back to you as you got closer. He was standing in front of the short wall along the edge, looking out over the city. You looped your arm through his but he pulled away almost immediately.

"What's wrong?" you asked. 

"Nothing." He walking over to the small table and poured a glass of whiskey, taking a couple drinks before he walked back over. He stood next to you, but left a couple feet between you.

"What's wrong?" you asked again. He stared at the glass before looking over at you.

"Did you cheat on me with Johnny?" he finally asked.

"What?" you asked. You stared at him, waiting for an explanation.

"You know what I said," he snapped.

"You're right, I do. BUt, I want to know why you would think that. What do you think you know that would put that thought in your head?"

"He's my identical twin, (Y/N). It wouldn't be that difficult."

"Do you think that low of me? Do you think that low of yourself?" you asked taking a step closer to him only for him to take a couple more steps away from you.

"Talk to me, Cameron," you pleaded.

"I saw the pictures! They're all over social media, only it's not me! I don't remember going those places with you or any memories that would remotely match the pictures," he shouted.

"What pictures?"

He set his drink on the table and pulled out his phone. The screen lit up his face as he searched for the proof he claimed he had.

"Here," he said shoving his phone into your hand.

You looked at the pictures of you and Jonathan walking into shops, having lunch, and being dressed in a formal evening gown, with Jonathan dressed in a black tuxedo, walking into a fancy hotel arm in arm.

"This was all when you were sick but didn't want your fans to know, so you had me go out with Johnny pretending to be you," you explained.

"You have an answer for everything, don't you?" He threw his glass against the wall, shattering the glass and spraying the remaining drink over the ground. You jumped back as a couple drops hit your bare legs and trying to avoid flying shards of glass. He realized what he had done and tried taking a step towards you. "(Y/N)..."

"I-I'm going to stay with a friend for a few days," you started, not looking him in the eyes.

"(Y/N), I'm sorry," he said softly. He tried to grab your hand but you took a couple steps away. "(Y/N), please."

His voices was cracking and you knew he was about to completely break, but you still didn't look at him.

"I think we need time apart. WIth everything that's been going on, Johnny being framed, trying to find the mystery woman, helping the FBI, I understand you're stressed and overwhelmed so I"m going to remove myself for a little bit."

"Are you breaking up with me?" Your eyes met his blue ones. All you wanted to do was go to him and hold him. You wanted to tell him that everything would be okay. But, you knew you couldn't fix everything, not before you could get over the hurt he caused you.

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