Dean Winchester Imagine

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Hey guys! Sorry I'm so terrible at posting anything. Honestly, it's taken me over a year to write this one for my friend. I have 3 or 4 requests that I will be posting soon. I'm so sorry to make you all wait so long! Thanks for over 8k reads! and over 6k on my Tom Holland/Harrison Osterfield book! Anyway, hope you all love this one!


"I don't understand," she said.

I sighed. "What don't you understand?"

"Last night, you said you loved me. Now, you're saying that you've fallen out of love with me. But, you haven't met someone new. How can you fall out of love if you don't love another?" she asked.

I leaned back in the chair. Of course that's how she thinks. It's how everyone thinks. The only way to fall out of love with one person is to fall in love with another. Which is completely stupid. Why does there need to be a second person?

Not everybody is an asshole who cheats on their partner. Sometimes it's the things you used to love that bug the living crap out of you now. Or, they started a new habit that they can't quit. Other times it's a thing that they've kept hidden from you.

"Dean?" she said. My eyes met hers and my mind blanked. I may not be in love with her, but I still cared about her.

"Michelle," I said. "Please understand that I do still love you, but I'm not in love with you."

"What kind of response is that? 'I love you but I'm not in love with you? That's fucking bullshit."

"What do you want me to say?"

"The truth."

"That was the truth."

"Is there another girl?" she asked.

"I already told you there wasn't."

"Maybe you're lying to protect her, because you know I'll kill her."

"Maybe you're forgetting that I would never hurt you like that."

She huffed and crossed her arms across her chest. She knew I was right, but she couldn't comprehend what I was trying to say. It was hard for me to understand as well. It wasn't like I woke up one day and decided I didn't love her anymore.

It was morning after morning, waking up and not feeling the same as before. I didn't feel the same butterflies flying in my stomach when I woke up to the sun illuminating her caramel hair. I didn't look into her eyes and get lost in the sea of blue, wishing I could stay lost at sea forever. Her touch didn't make me melt like ice in spring.

I know relationships take work. Trust me, I've been working towards relationships my whole life. My dad was the best at being a terrible role model when it came to love, or any sort of emotion other than rage. I couldn't hurt her like my dad hurt me or anyone else that he met. I had to protect her and the only way to do that was to let her go.

"What happened to me being your whole world?" she asked, interrupting my thoughts.


"What did I do?" she asked.

"Nothing. You did nothing."

"So, there was something I should've done?" she asked. She was trying to hide it but I could see how much everything was hurting her, the tears gathering in her eyes, and the quiver in her bottom lip.

"It wasn't you, it was-"

"You? Seriously, Dean? Were you about to give me that bullshit line of "it's not you, it's me?" What the hell is going on with you? We're partners, we talk things out not shut everyone out," she said.

"I'm not trying to shut you o-"

"Then tell me what's wron-"

"Damn it, Michelle!" I shouted. I ran my fingers through my hair, tugging at the ends before scratching the back of my neck. I took a deep breath before continuing. "I care about you. I care about you more than I care about Sam or anyone else in my life. I can't, and won't, hurt you by pretending to be in love with you. That's not fair to you. You deserve someone who is in love with every bit of you, from your stubborn attitude to your worst insecurity. From your child size feet to your caramel hair."

"Not fair," she huffed.

"I'm sorry." I didn't look at her as I stood to leave.

"Wait," she said grabbing my wrist. I tried not to look at her, into her ocean blue eyes, knowing that her whole body would be pleading for me to stay, but finally I broke and stared directly into those beautiful eyes. "Don't you want to know what I think?"

I sighed and sat back in the chair. "Yeah... I do."

She held my hand between hers, running her thumbs over my knuckles, tracing all the veins. I saw the concentration on her face as she chose her words carefully. She chewed on her bottom lip before finally looking at me.

"I know you're scared," she started. "I know that you're scared that you'll turn into your dad, but I also know that you're nothing like him. You've proven that over and over. I also think that you don't know enough about love to know that what you love about a person can change as you grow together. I think that the things that you once loved about me, you still love, but they don't give you the same feelings. Like you said earlier. But, you wouldn't be here listening to me if there wasn't something you still loved about me. I think there's something else about me that you're in love with.

Maybe we need our space for a while, figure out where we stand. I know that I still love you and I'm in love with you, Dean. I'm in love with how you act around children, and your brother, and Cas. I love how you can be gentle and protective at the same time, but I'm not in love with it. To be honest, it's been annoying the shit out of me lately. But I know that's part of who you are and I'm in love with you. All of you. Every piece of you. Even your flaws. I can give you space, Dean. Enough space and time to figure out whatever you need to figure out, if that's what you want. I'll try to be patient."

I chuckled. Her patience was as short as she was, but I knew she would wait. We stared at each other for a few moments, watching and waiting for any response to what she had said.

Then it hit me. This girl standing in front of me, barely five feet tall, would travel to the ends of the world just to make sure I was happy. And I would do the same for her. She was right. You can't fall out of love with someone, just fall in love with new parts.

I was falling in love with her defiance, her ability to speak her mind, her passion for everything she loves and holds close to her heart, how she was able to take my heart and show it the true meaning of love, something my dad would never have been able to teach me. Her caramel hair, her ocean blue eyes, her child sized feet and hands, all made her perfect. She was perfect with her flaws because they made her human. She was mine.

"I don't need time," I said. Her eyes lit up and her body straightened, clinging to every word that slipped past my lips. "I love you, Michelle. To the moon and back, to hell and back. I love you. I'm in love with you and always will be."

A smile spread across her face as she jumped out of her chair and ran into my arms. She wrapped hers around my me and nestled her face into my neck. I pulled back and placed my hands on her cheeks before leaning in and placing a gentle kiss on her lips.

"I'm in love with you, too, Dean Winchester," she whispered.

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