Day of Silence

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What I don't need anyone to do:

-Tell me it gets better -say "Its okay" -Ask me why I would ever do this -Take away my tools -Look at me with pity in their eyes -Run away from my scars -Ask me how I'm doing today -Send me to the counselor (again) -Call me 'emo' -accuse me of wanting attention -Tell me I need to deal with my problems differently - Ask me if I'm suicidal -tell me to stop -tell me everyone goes through it

What everyone does:

-All of the above

What I do need someone to do:

-Hug me without a word -Promise me that they'll be there for me always -Mean it

Please don't ask if I'm okay, I might do something stupid like open up to you and I'm really tired of getting close to people and watching them leave me like I'm nothing.

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