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My mom used to tell me that no matter how hard things get

I'll get through it

and no matter how scary things seem

the fear will never destroy me

and she said the people who love me will never leave me

she said no matter what, she will never leave.

I was 10 when I watched the door

closed the door with my overnight bag in hand on my way to dads as

she looked one last time before she disappeared

and saw right past me

I picked up an imaginary piece of chalk in my mind

and put a tally mark under the people I've loved and lost

It was the second tally that month

and watching my mom as I leave was harder

than sitting at my grandfathers funeral 2 weeks before

She was a liar

People will always leave

and since she lied about that I had to assume she lied about the rest

about fear being something I could overcome

about getting through the hard times.

Anxiety and depression inspired suicide

and it was on the hunt for my life every night for three years

I have scars on my thighs and fingerprints on gun triggers

but I still don't have a mom

my dad activley tries to stay out of the house and my friends don't understand what its like

to go home and have a panic attack every time you look at your front door

my home is my biggest trigger and sometimes I'm so afraid that if I stay there for too long

I might actually pull it..

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