Chapter 6 Gone

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            Kristens POV
As the governor left, Carl, Glenn, Maggie and I ran to their car as they raced to the prison to warn the group that the governor will be coming. "Kris I'm so sorry, I should have came with you and-" Carl said but I cut him off by kissing him on his lips. They were so soft and he was so delicate (maybe because he knew that every single part of me was hurt) I mean who knows what's going to happen next.. and you never know when you might have your last breath. "shh, Carl it's okay, it wasn't your fault it was all mine and that's what I get for not listening to you when you told me not to go on this run" I said. "Look, Kristen I've liked you for a while and... uhh... WILL YOU BE MY GIRLFRIEND?!!!" Carl blurted out. "mmm..." I said while I looked at Carl's face and it went from tanned to extremely red and shocked/ embarrassed. "ugh I'm so stupid I'm so sorry ugh I'm so du-" Carl spoke, but I cut him off before he could finish. "Carl I was kidding! I will be your girlfriend" I said with the biggest smile on my face. I know it wasn't the best time to kiss him but... I needed to thank him for saving us + I really really like him!!

        Carl's POV
She, she just kissed me!!! I guess I'll ask her now to be my girlfriend. After her turn talking I decided that right now I would ask her! "Look, Kristen I've liked you for a while and..." "Come on Carl, just tell her. I heard Glenn's voice in my head say. "Uhh.... WILL YOU BE MY GIRLFRIEND?!" yes I finally said it!! "mmm..." she replied. My reaction just went to super happy to embarrassed as hell. "ugh I'm so stupid, I'm so sorry ugh I'm so du-" She cut me off and said "Carl I was kidding!!! I'll be your girlfriend" YESSSS!! Look I know it isn't the best time... butI just had to tell her my feelings!

           Glenn's POV
Kristen just kissed Carl. I know the feeling of your first kiss, I've been there before. "Look, Kristen I've liked you for a while and..." Come on Carl do it! "uhh... WILL YOU BE MY GIRLFRIEND?!" he screamed. Thatta boy.

        Kristens POV
We arrived at the prison and I spotted the governor and his army. Michonne was on her knees and Hershel had michonnes katana near his neck. The governor was holding it. We ran out of the car as we all heard the governor say, "lier" as he swung the sword to Hershel's neck. Maggie ran as fast as she could screaming "NOO!!!" crying but as soon as the blade hit his throat... she was already in her knees screaming and crying. Rick fired a shot and then all hell broke lose. Everyone shooting and screaming. They were basically rioting. I felt someone hit me, and then all of the rest was a blur...

I woke up and everyone was still going the same thing, except most of my group was gone. Carl, Rick, Glenn, Maggie, my brother... I tried to run as fast as I could into the prison but I was a little wobbly.

My eyesight was super fuzzy and I couldn't see a thing. I blinked multiple times until I could finally see what was going on. I started having an anxiety attack in the middle of this battlefield.

My head hurt like hell and I was freaking out about where my brother is and Carl.

I tried to breathe and calm myself down and right at the same time but after a while it does down and I was okay, until I saw someone I didn't want to see... the governor.

"WHERES RICK?! I WANT TO END THIS ONCE AND FOR ALL!!!!" he screamed at me. "I don't know..." I said angrily and still very dizzy.

He pointed his gun straight at me. "what the hell are you doing?!" I yelled. "ending your life" he said tilting his head. He was about to pull the trigger until I screamed "WAIT!" "wait.. before you do that I just have something for you" I said uncomfortably

I walked over to him and he slowly moved his arm to the side of him. "what is it?" he asked. "I know you had a family and a wife and... a daughter" I said not finished yet. "and I just wanted be with them" I finished and I jabbed my knife into his stomach.

"this is a little one for Michael" I said jabbing it in more. "and this is more what you did to Maggie. And this is for all the bad things you've ever done to us. And this is for wanting to kill everyone. And this... this is for killing Hershel" I said and every time I have a reason I would jab the knife into his stomach more.

He automatically fell to the ground holding his wound in so much pain. I just stood there and looked around our home which was no longer a home.

"look what you've done. You ruined our home. Everyone is heartbroken in so many ways. And it's all your fault. People have to suffer from their losses just because of you and your group. You are a coward. You wanted our camp but when you couldn't get it you broke it... so now no one can live here." I said

"You are one twisted psychotic person and I hope you rot in hell, you sick, sick man" I said angrily and then whipping the blood off of my knife and walking away.

I got into the prison and Maggie, Carl, Beth, Glenn and Carol were all crying waiting at the door. "Kristen you- um- you need to come" Carl said while crying in between with every breath. "WHERES MY BROTHER AND DARYL AND THE REST??! WHERE ARE THEY?!!!" I screamed. As Carl took  me over with  everyone following... I couldn't believe my eyes.

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