Chapter 20 This Is What Happened

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Before the apocalypse...

9 year old Kirsten's POV

Today me and my mommy are going out to see a movie. Just me and her. Usually Adam, Daddy, her and I go all together but today is just a girls day.

We were in the car jamming out to some music on the radio. It was the winter so it's was super cold and icy. I hated winter.

"If you wanna be my lover!!" we both sang to the spice girls on the radio

The road was super slippery and everyone was sliding everywhere. No one got hurt.

After the movie we got into the car. "That was so good and funny and sad..!" I laughed. "poor Nemo" my mom said looking down sadly in a joking way.

We went to go see Nemo in the movie theatre. The time the movie was over it was about 3:00pm. I buckled up my seatbelt and we drove back home.

"who was your favorite in the movie?" my mom asked me smiling. "DORY!!!" I yelled in a joking way. "Haha. do ya, Do Ya, DO YAA!" she yelled moving Dory.

I laughed so hard. I love my mom so much, she means the world to me and I don't know what I would do without her. She's helped me through everything and she always makes me laugh.

While I was thinking of that in my head I didn't realize my mom was screaming "KRISTEN!!!! KRISSTTENN!!!" she screamed at the top of her lungs looking at the road in shock. As she grabbed my hand... and everything went black after that.

I woke up in the hospital with an IV in my arm. My torso hurt so bad. I tried sitting up but my ribs hurt so bad. "AHHH" I screamed in pain.

A doctor rushed in and said "sweetie you can't sit up just yet... you broke a rib and your arm." she said gently helping me lie down. I looked at my arm and noticed there was a white cast on it. I couldn't feel it on...

"where's my mommy?!" I asked almost in tears. "What happened to me??!!" I said starting to yell. "WHERES MY DADDY?!" I screamed really nervous.

"Your Daddy and your brother already came in to see you. They're now with your mommy. "What happened to her?" I asked crying. "she uh- she is seriously injured.." she says with her voice shaking and looking down.

She looked up and out her glasses back on her face. "You can go see her if you want but I have to help you walk" she stated.

"yes, YES!!!! just help me up!!! Right NOW!!!" I yelled. The nurse looked very startled. She was a bit bigger and he was frizzy hair in a low ponytail with round glasses.

"PLEASE!" I screamed while crying. She was just standing there looking shocked at something. "PLEEASEE!!!" I screamed again. She quickly snapped out of it and helped me up.

I stood up and she was holding my hand slowly while I carried the IV. I walked very fast trying to see her. "Slow down! You're going to hurt yourself even more!" she said in a very harsh tone.

"I need to see my mommy!" I screamed walking way faster. She was now behind me trying to catch up where I was practically running. My body hurt so bad but I needed to see her.

"WHAT ROOM?!" I screamed looking back at her. "I ain't gonna tell you until I catch up" she said, still trying to catch up to me. I stopped and stood in one place so she could catch up.

She grabbed a hold of my hand and we walked slowly to the next door. I opened the door and we walked in. I saw my 5 year old brother sitting down on a chair next to my daddy. My daddy immediately ran up to me and hugged me. Along with Adam following him.

I turned and saw my mommy lying on the hospital bed also with an IV in her arm. "WHAT HAPPENED?!!" I screamed. "She's in a coma... she blocked the air bag from hurting you" my daddy replied. "how do you know that?" I asked crying. "Well she broke her forearm" He replied.

"How long is her coma?" I asked with tears in my eyes turning to look at the nurse. "Well it looks like it will be at least 2 months" she replied. I felt tears in my eyes stream down my face.

I walked over to my mommy's body looking at the cuts on her face and some stricter on her face too. I wanted to ball. Why did this happen today?

After a while of sitting in my hospital bed watching American idol on the tv in my room my daddy finally went to check on my mommy. I was making crafts with Adam. It was fun and I wished that in the end everyone and everything will be okay...

Now it was 10:38 pm and I was still hanging out with Adam when all of a sudden I heard screaming. "DOCTORRRR!!!!" I heard someone scream at the top of their lungs. It was in a couple rooms down and I remembered my mommy was a couple rooms down.

I got up and carried my IV with me walking as fast as I could holding Adams hand. "DOCTORRRR!!!!!" we heard scream again. We opened the doors to my mommy's room and realized...

That it was my mommy. "Her pulse stopped!! DO SOMETHING DONT JUST STAND THERE!!!!" my daddy screamed looking at the doctors. They got these things and pushed them on her chest many many times.

It felt like everything was in slow motion.... "I'm sorry, she's gone" The doctor said looking down. "NOOO!!! NOO!!" my daddy screamed placing his hands on her face. "NOOO!!!!" he screamed once again. "No no this can't be happening no no No NO NOO!!!" I yelled crying and running into my room.

Adam followed me. "Why is everyone sad?" he asked questioning. I bent down to be his height. "Well Adam um- mo-mommy is go-one" I say trying to breath in between my words. "like she left?" he asked confused. "Uh ye-yea" I reply. "When is she coming back?" he asked me. "She's not.." I say looking down and saw a year fall to the ground.

"Why would she do that?" he asked confused tilting his head. "Because... that's a part of life" I say standing up.

I can't believe this happened... at 10:38 my mommy died.

My daddy came into my room and hugged me and Adam so tight and said "never leave me ever" while he cried. "I won't daddy" Adam said. "I would never leave anyone I care so much about" I say crying so bad while we still hug.

That was it....

That's how it happened.

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