Chapter 10 A Safe Zone?

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Kristens POV
5 months after the prison....
So Tara, Glenn and I are on a run right now just getting more food and clothes. As we were walking in an outlet I saw a Forever 21!!! "Glenn, Glenn, Tara please please can we go in there please please!!?" I said so excited. "I am not going in there..." Glenn told me. "yea Kris, we'll be over here while you can go in there" Tara spoke. "oh ok" I said walking into forever 21. As I walked into the store I realized that it hadn't been touched, at all! I grabbed everything. I didn't care if it was an extra large or and extra small, I just grabbed it. I went behind the counter to get some bags to put my clothes in. I grabbed 7 forever 21 shopping bags and shoved my clothes into them. I walked into the pants isle and... "In guessing you are the 15 year old Kristen?" I guy looking not even dirty at all wearing a coat with a plaid shirt underneath. "I'm Aaron" he said with his hands up in the air. I aimed my gun in the direction of his head and loaded it. "HOW DO YOU KNOW ME?!!!" I screamed still holding my gun but dropped my bags in the ground. "Answer the question damnit!!" I yelled shaking my gun so he'd get the hint that I will kill him if he doesn't answer. "Your group is in our safe zone!" he said. "What? A safe zone?" I said with my gun still aimed for his head. "I didn't mean to startle you." he said innocently. "why are you here??!" I said not calmly. As he said "I had an order. To find a Korean man named Glenn and a teenage girl named Kristen." as I put my gun down and he put his hands down. "I don't know you!!" I said through clenched teeth. "but I know your group. They're safe with my group." he said trying to calm me down. "Rick, Maggie, Michonne, Carol, Daryl, Gabriel, Abraham, Sasha, Rosita, Eugene, baby Judith and Carl" he said trying to calm me down again. "ITS NOT MY GROUP I DON'T KNOW A ROSITA, GABRIEL, EUGENE OR ABRAHAM!" I yelled crying and so confused. " Kristen just listen to me, your group wants to see you. Carl has been upset for days wanting to see you again." he told me. "Well then where's Bob and Tyreese an- and Beth?!" I asked still crying. " I don't know a Bob, Tyreese or Beth" he spoke. And I knew what that meant, they died before our group found the safe zone. Maggie must be devastated... she just lost her father and now her sister too. "I'm trusting you, and if this turns out to be some sort of trick... I will kill you." I say grabbing Aaron's arm and my bags walking out the door. Thinking that it has been 5 months so things probably are different. Glenn and Tara walked out of Bass Pro Shops the same time I walked out of Forever 21. "KRISTEN WHOS THAT??!" Glenn yelled at me pointing his gun to his head. "Glenn, Glenn.... he says he's with our group." I tell Glenn putting his gun down. "Oh yea, and how do you know he's not lying" Tara said sounding all tuff trying to protect me. "He said all their names and said that Maggie is worried about you Glenn and Carl is worried about me too. He says they have Judith." I said calming Tara and Glenn down. "Fine, but if he's lying I will kill him slowly" Glenn said looking at Aaron.

We arrived at this place with gates. "Eugene it's us" Aaron said. "And who is us?" Eugene said back. "Open the gate and you'll find out" Aaron said annoyed. Eugene opened the gate and said "oh you, Aaron. Okay" as he opened the gate and we walked in. "this is Alexandria Safe Zone!" Aaron told us holding his hands out looking around. "They're having a meeting in that house if you want to see your group" he said pointing to a house. We walked slowly not knowing if this was a trap or not. What if they held them captive and asked their names and told us they are with our group. " I promise you guys this isn't a trap" Aaron said moving all of us near the house. As Glenn opened the door, following behind was me and Tara. "Oh my god!!!" Maggie said shocked running up to Glenn and I hugging us for so long and kisses Glenn on the check. "Thank god you guys are okay!" Maggie said in relief. "Kris?" Carl sounded confused running up to me. As I grabbed his face kissing him in the lips, never wanting to let go of this moment. "I can't believe it! You're okay! I love you , I love you, I love you, I love you" Carl says crying, kissing me on the lips again. " I love you too" I say holding his hand. "ah get a room you two!" Daryl says. "nice to see you too Daryl!" I say laughing. " oh yeaa um speaking of that dad, um" Carl says looking at Rick. "no Carl!" Rick says laughing. "no but really, I'm so glad you're okay senior ass kicker" Daryl says hugging me. " I'm happy you're okay too" I say hugging him back.

"Everyone this is Glenn, Kristen and..." Rick says confused wondering what her name was since he's never met her before. " Tara" I say. "She's been with Glenn and I more the past 5 months. She's helped us survive and she's a great person" I say smiling at Tara. "And Tara" Rick says introducing us. "And Kristen, Glenn and Tara, this is Morgan" Rick says pointing to a dark skin man. As he smiled a bit at me. "and this is Aaron, which you guys have met. And this is Jessie" Rick says pointing to a very pretty women, smiling. I can tell that Rick likes Jessie. " And this is Nicholas" he says pointing to a guy wearing plaid with curly hair. Glenn waves back to him. "and this is Deanna. She's the owner of this place" he says pointing to an older lady as she smiles at us and we all wave. "this is Sam. Son of Jessie" he says pointing to a little boy. Sam smiles at me and it just warms my heart. He reminds me of Adam... I smile back and wave. "And this is Abraham and Rosita" he says pointing to a guy with bright red air and a girl who's very pretty. She waves at us and I wave back. "And you guys have already met Eugene. Anyways this is Eric, Aaron's boyfriend" he says pointing to a guy who looks overly excited waving at us as I wave back and try not to laugh. "This is Heath" he says pointing to a guy with dread locks in a ponytail and with glasses. "This is Enid and she's your age Kris" Rick says as she smiles at me and I smile back. It's nice to meet girls my age especially in the apocalypse. "And this is Ron, also son of Jessie" he says pointing to a guy about 16 wearing a black beanie and a black leather jacket. He's staring at me from top to bottom biting his lip, smirking. Carl gives him a dirty look saying 'dude back off she's mine' but Ron just winks at me. um okay...

While I was about to go to bed Carl snuck into my house. "CARL!!" I said quietly. "What??" he asks. "You're supposed to be in your house sleeping!! If your dad finds out he'll kill us!" I say. "but I miss you!" he says grabbing my arm pulling me into my bed as he cuddles me. "never leave again. Okay?" he says kissing my cheek. "I know. I won't" I say to him hugging him back. But we both drift to sleep...

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