Chapter 25: Not Tomorrow Yet

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The group and I finally got back to Alexandria. Rick stopped driving and everyone got out of the truck and so did I. I greeted Carl when I got out. "I missed you" he smiled and kissed my forehead.

"I missed you too, but we're going back" I said while following Daryl. "Wait what?" He asked confused stepping in. "We're going back... To kill Negan's group" I said walking away again. "No kris you're not going back there!!" He screamed grabbing my wrist.

"Ow!" I whispered in pain. Carl then let go and then looked at the huge cut I had on my wrist from the guy who tried to kill me. He looked and me like he was so sorry. "They're horrible people, Negan's group" I told him.

"Ya and that's exactly why I don't want you going back there!!" He yelled at me wide eyed. " CARL, SOMEONE FROM OUR GROUP WILL DIE IF WE DONT STOP NEGAN!!!" I screamed at him. " AND THAT COULD BE YOU, YOU WILL DIE KRIS!" He yelled back realizing that he just told me that Negan will kill me. "I can't believe you..." I said pushing passed him to follow Daryl.

"Kris I'm sorry!" He yelled. I looked back and shook my head with tears in my eyes. He thought about me dying. Am I not strong enough? I know how to fight... More than half these people.

I followed Daryl into the church because he said we were having a meeting. I sat down beside Maggie who was beside Glenn and she smiled at me. Carl came into the church as well and tried to sit in the empty spot behind me. He walked over and was about to sit down. "Tara" I said rudely pointing to the seat.

He looked so sad and the walked away. Within 2 minutes after, Daryl came and sat in that spot. I just randomly thought of a name and said that they were sitting there. "So what was that about?" Daryl asked me. "What?" I questioned.

"We al could hear it... You and Carl, what's going on?" He asked sadly. "Oh uh... Just.. Nothing" I looked down sadly. "Kristen" he said sternly looking right into my eyes. "Well he basically told me that Negan will kill me" I told him with tears in my eyes.

"Where's that sum bitch?!! Imma knock the daylight outta-" he screamed with everyone staring at him as I put my hand over his mouth. "STOP!" I whisper shouted. "I'm sorry, but if he don't apologize soon... Imma knock some sense into him!" He said looking over at Carl.

Rick only talked about killing Negan's group like how he talked about it at hilltop. "Kill them all" Rick said sternly into my eyes. Why me? Probably because I didn't want to go along with this plan but I am now. Later on, all the people that we're going to kill Negan's group met in Ricks house and all listened to the guy from hiltop.

He was drawing on a piece of paper of what the building looks like. "We'll do this tonight, when they're sleeping" Rick said. I gulped and felt so nervous and scared. I didn't want to do this but I knew I had to or else someone will die from this awful man. "Wait we literally just got back from hiltop and we're going to the saviours in the same day?! Why don't we just go tomorrow night?" I questioned everyone.

"The sooner they're dead, the safer we'll be." Rick said. "Safer?! It's the god damn zombie apocalypse for god sakes, and you're worried we won't be safe?!" I laughed. "Kristen. No one asked you to come on this trip" Rick said harshly. "Okay, I'll go" I rolled my eyes. Rick nodded his head at me. "Kris, can I speak to you?" He asked "sure" I replied.

We walked outside the building and he started to talk. "If you think it will be better to go tomorrow night then we can" he said. "No no we can go tonight" I said. "I think it will be best if we go tomorrow night. So I'll go tell the group" he said walking back in. "Tomorrow night were doing this" he said without hesitation. Everyone nodded their heads and off they went.

About 7 hours passed and when the meeting was, it was around 2:00 pm. Mainly in between those hours I just talked to everyone I saw, watched movies and read my book. I didn't see Carl and I was getting worried, but some part of me was still mad and didn't care.

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