Chapter 14 I'm Not Weak

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Kristen's POV
I woke up remembering all that had happened last night. I got out of bed and decided to have a shower since I haven't had one in like 3 days. I turned on the water and it was cold. As I waited for the ice cold water to get warm I looked in the mirror. I don't usually look in the mirror cause I never care how I look, really. I only used to straighten my hair since everyday when I wake up my hair is awful. My face was covered in dirt and blood. "ah god" I said to myself quietly. I felt the shower again and it was still cold but a bit warmer than it was before. Cmon it's the apocalypse, there's usually no water anywhere. I'll take it. I stepped into the shower feeling the cold water on my body. I shivered a bit and got major goose bumps. There was shampoo but no conditioner. I squirted some in my hand and slid I through my hair multiple times. After my shower I grabbed my towel and rapped it around my body, humming to one of Beth's songs she sang. I walked into my room shutting the door opening my closet to put some clothes on.

As I opened my closet a crazy man with a 'w' on his forehead jump out at me with a knife towards my chest. He had short dirty blonde hair. He looked about 20. He was wearing a black leather jacket and black pants. Mind you I only have a towel on right now and nothing under it.

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!" I scream trying to push the knife away from my chest. "Don't worry about it sunshine" he tells me smirking as he pushes me on the ground with him overtop of me. I'm trying my best to still hold my towel overtop of myself and to get him off of me. I huff and puff trying to breath and get the sharp knife away from me. I'm almost under my bed, the guy is still trying to stab me. I look behind me under my bed Carl's boot(what?) so I grab it and smack the man in the head with it. The man falls to the side giving me time to stand up and run as fast as I can out the door. "GO AWAY!! YOU DON'T WANT TO DO THIS!!!" I scream. "What? You think you're strong?" the man asks then chuckles. Is that funny? He runs at me with the sharp silver knife pointing straight for my chest. As he comes bolting at me I push him so hard he hits the picture on the wall and the glass all shatters on his head. I grab the loaded gun that's on the small wooden table and point it towards his head. "ya, I am strong" I say aggressively and then right after, I shoot him in the head.

it's been about 13 minutes since that just happened. My hair is basically dry now. The body is still in my living room. They're probably all wondering where I was today at breakfast... what do I tell them? Just be honest Kristen! Ugh.

I'm still in my wet towel. My body is freezing. I put on a grey sweater and put on some plaid pajama pants. A whole 25 minutes all I did was read a really good book. It was about a fictional character and what they would do at the end of the world. A minute after that I decided to get some fresh air, so I went on a walk. I slid on some uggs and walked outside. Who has time to look good in the apocalypse? I was wearing a grey sweater, plaid pajama pants, light brown uggs and my hair was put into a simple side braid.

I walked down my porch steps and saw Jessie. She was out for a run, all dressed in her running clothes and out of breath. "We missed you today at breakfast Kris. Saved you some!" she said jogging on the spot to talk to me in between breaths and smiling also trying to breath. "Thank you" I smiled with my hands in my pockets yawning. And she ran off.

I walked around all of Alexandria just exploring things and saying hi to the people. I'm just trying to for get about what just happened. I'm traumatised, that every time I open a door that man will try to kill me again.

While I was waking I managed to pass Carl, me trying not to make eye contact with him at all. He would ask me questions like 'oh where were you today?' or 'is everything good?'  But I couldn't resist not making eye contact with his big crystal blue eyes that I fell in love with. "Hey Kris!" he said walking over to me. "hi Carl" I say back with the most fake smile ever. "We missed you at breakfast today. Are things okay?" he asks sounding worried as ever. His face was still a bit bruised from the whole fight situation. "ya, perfect" I say lying walking away super fast.

I was heading home after my walk around Alexandria. I feel someone grab my shoulder and pull me around to face them. "you weren't at breakfast today." Michonne says strictly. "oh uh yea I just wasn't that hungry this morning..." I say stuttering not wanting her to find out, or anyone to find out. I walked up to my porch and opened my door and saw the dead body in my living room.

"KRISTEN!!" Michonne yelled slamming my door shut and her arm closing the door right above my shoulder. "What happened?" she asked wonderingly. "Nothing." I say with attitude trying to open the door since she took her hand off of it. "Kris!!!" she said slamming the door once again. "I know somethings up, you can't hide a lie very well, now what happened this morning?!" she said looking straight into my eyes. "Nothing Michonne!" I yell back at her opening my door and trying to close it as soon as possible so she doesn't see the body. But she pulls the door open and looks around until she sees the body.

"I was putting clothes on and he jumped out trying to kill me and I fought him off and killed him." I tell her honestly, looking down not making eye contact with her at all. It was suddenly silent. "Kris, why didn't you tell anyone?!" she asks grabbing my shoulder making eye contact. "I- ugh I don't know. I didn't want people to be afraid. Especially Sam." I tell her. "He attacked you!" she said loudly. "goes to show... I'm not weak" I say smiling looking at the floor. "you're not strong." she says making me annoyed. "you're badass!" she laughs hugging me.

She helped me bury the body. We didn't bury it in Alexandria because we have a rule that killers who die get buried outside of Alexandria. So we went out to the woods to bury the body. Michonne and I had found the perfect spot to bury the body. We put the heavy body down and started to dig and dig until the hole was big enough to fit a body in to. "Just make sure no one sees this" I say looking around making sure no one is watching us bury a body. "Kristen, he attacked you! If someone asks just say the truth. And also you didn't want people to think you were weak right?" Michonne told me. "okay.." I say innocently.

We put the body into the big hole in the ground as we heard sticks breaking and people walking. "Michonne we need to go!" I say whisper yelling. "oh I don't think you guys will be going anywhere" a mans voice said as he came out of the bushes. The man who was talking had longish dark brown hair with a 'w' on his head. He was with 3 other people. "You killed him." he said looking at Michonne and I. "Oh god forbid I kill a goddamn psychopathic man who jumped out of my closet trying to kill me." I say to the man walking towards him slowly. he chuckles. "aw" he says sarcastically with a pouty lip. "you got quite a mouth young lady" he tells me. "we're leaving" Michonne says grabbing my arm. "We'll be back" he says smirking "trust me" he continued and walked away. We walked back to Alexandria and when we got there, nobody noticed that we were gone. "hey Kris I got you a birthday present!" Maggie came up to me and said. Wha- oh my 16th birthday is tomorrow. "can't wait to spend it with the people I care about the most" I say smiling to her and hugging her as she walks away.

"16?" Michonne asks me smiling. "ya" I say smiling back and look up at her and then down at the ground. "it's a big day! I'll teach ya how to drive tomorrow" she says winking at me and then laughing as she pulls me into a hug. "will do" I say back. And we went different ways.

Ever since Carl and I broke up we haven't talked that much. I mean we still talk but not a lot at all. I miss that. What am I saying?! I broke up with him!! ugh Kristen stop! just forget about him!! Speak of the devil. "Hey kris!" Carl says walking up to me. "oh he-heyy Carl" I say back.  "Your 16 birthday tomorrow!!" he says smirking. "yea, I'm an oldy just like you!" I say poking him. "hey!!" he says laughing and tickling me. I was laughing so hard. This was fun, I felt like I was still his. We stopped laughing and looked into each others eyes. The big blue gorgeous eyes that I fell in love with. Then I just realised that I really do miss him... a lot. "I gotta go.. uh Glenn told me to meet him at his place soo.."
I lie awkwardly walking away. "I'll see you tomorrow kris!! on your 16th birthday!" he said waving and smiling. "yep!" ugh I'm so awkward!!

As I'm walking back to my house just to chill Ron stops me. "Hey Kristen I heard it was your birthday tomorrow" he said blushing. "mhhm" I say to Ron. "Well we'd like you to come to my house for breakfast as usual to have a special birthday breakfast" he says smiling. "oh ok" I tell him. "so you'll come right?" he asks smiling. "ya ya of course I will!" I say smiling back. He smiles and then hugs me. Am I getting feelings for Ron? No no Kris you like Carl and have liked Carl ever since you met him. I mean I like Carl more than Ron but I have some feelings for Ron. Ugh

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