Chapter 3: Run

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One year later...

Kristen's POV
A lot of things have happened in a year. Carl likes me and I know that but I'm just really scared to admit that I like him so much too!

Drama has been happening with this guy who calls himself a 'governor' he's really bad and he comes over to the prison once in a while just to do bad things. On day he came and let walkers out of a truck and there was so many of them.

Michonne one day visited him and stabbed him in the eye that's why he wears an eyepatch. We've lost many people due to sickness but I guess that's life right?

Daryl and I have became close friends, well I've became good friends with everyone they're all my family but I have the strongest bond with Glenn and Maggie. Of course Carl and my brother but other than them they are my closest friends.

Speaking of Glenn and Maggie... they got engaged and I'm so happy for them because they are my otp!

A lot of stuff has gone down but anyways today I'm going on a run with Maggie because today is my 15th birthday so we're going 'shopping' anyways let's just continue...

I woke up and day light was shining in my face.

"Ughhhhhhhh" I groaned

Knowing that today is the day I leave to go on a run with Maggie.

I looked to see if Adam was still sleeping.Nope.

"BOOOO!!" Adam scream scaring the hell out of me.

"Jeeze!" I said punching him lightly. I smiled. I walked out of my cell and Adam ran In front of me to see his new best friend Luke he's the same age as him like how me and Carl are the same age except he's 15 days older than I am.

"Hello senior ass kicker" Daryl said

"What?" I asked laughing. "Well since Judith is lil ass kicker you're senior ass kicker" he said smiling. "Ya know I like you kid and I don't like many kids. I barely even like Carl!" He said

"Heeeeeeyyyy!" He whined laughing. "I'm kidding!" Daryl said. Everyone came out saying "hey Kris!" Or "mornin Kris!"

"Anyone want cooked squirrel?!" Daryl said. Everyone pretty much said eww or gross but I said "Ohh yessss I'd love that!!" "You like squirrel Ass kicker?!" He said socked

"Ya my dad was a hunter" I said. "We'll I was kidding kid." He said

Maggie walked up to me and said "ready Kris?!". "Umm uh just gotta get dressed!" I said walking fast back to my cell "be quick!!" She yelled. I put on my black leggings and some combat boots I wore a white t shirt with red sleeves and put my hair up in a messy bun and put on some mascara from my duffle bag. I got outta my cell and saw carl standing there with his mouth wide open, I blushed and walked away

"Listen" carl said "you need to be safe, I couldn't bare to lose you, Adam couldn't bare to lose you, everyone couldn't bare to lose you!" He said as I nodded my head and hugged him.

Couldn't bare to lose me?! Aw.

I followed Maggie out the prison and into the car I sat in the passenger seat and glenn and Maggie kissed and glenn said "be safe! I'll stay with Carl okay?". "Okay" she said kissing him again as she got in the car and put the keys in and started it.

"Got everythin?" She asked

I checked to see if my guns were there and my knives

"Yep!" I said to her as Michonne opened the gate for us with Beth.


We drove until we saw the pharmacy.

"Get your lazy but out!" She said smiling

"Whatever you say mom!" I laughed back

We got in the pharmacy and only killed 4 walkers. I went to the health section and got my stuff . Maggie went to the baby section for Judith and she was holding some clothes and a bottle and some baby milk.

"Turn around and drop your weapons!" I head a voice say while they loaded their gun. Maggie and I turned around and saw 3 teenage boys that looked about 16?

Shit. I promised Carl I'd be safe. Maggie promised glenn she'll be safe!!

They grabbed our guns and one said "C'mon guys were going back to Woodbury!" Isn't Woodbury the place where the governor lives? Me and Maggie looked at eachother. She looked terrified as so I did probably.

They put us in the back of their truck with our hands tied. "Maggs I'm scared, I promised Carl I'd be safe!! Adam needs me what is he gonna say when we don't come back?!!" I whisper yelled.

"Sh sh Kris it's ok. We'll get through this, okay? Trust me! Like my sister said 'if you don't have hope, what's the point of living?" She said calming me down. "You're right" I said smiling at her she smiled back.

The car stopped and the trunk opened and brought us out and I saw a big building with children running around and families together sitting at tables. Huh looks like a nice place but next thing you know they're gonna kill them or kidnap them like they did to us!

They brought us into different rooms while I started to cry a little. Luckily she was in the room beside me and I could hear everything that was happening.

"Where's your group!!" A man yelled. Maggie didn't answer I'm guessing cause I didn't hear anythin. "Where is your group!!!!!" He yelled again. Again no answer. "Fine then take off your shirt" he said. "What." Maggie said. "You heard me do it!" He said. "No!! NOO!" I yelled moving trying my hardest to break loose but I was tied to a chair along were my hands. "UGHHH!" I screamed starting to cry a bit. "No" Maggie said. "Do it or I'll kill the girl!" he screamed. "Fine!" She said strictly. "NOOOO! Ughh let me go!! Ugh!!!" I yelled but no one can hear me but it's not like they'd let me go anyways. I started to cry. He scoffed "sh sh sh" he said. I could only imagine what he was doing to her. And then all of a sudden I heard a slam and Maggie scream in pain. "STOPP!!" I yelled. As I heard the door close and my door open. Great, hell..

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?!" I yelled at the governor. I've never been to Woodbury before but I know who the governor is...

"Don't worry.." He said with an evil smirk.

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