Chapter 17 What Do You Mean Gone?

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Kristens POV
I woke up the next morning still really really upset from what just had happened the other day. I didn't feel like going to breakfast or doing anything. I just wanted to stay in bed. I can't handle this anymore. I heard a knock on my door and slowly yet tiredly went to go get it. "Hey kris is Enid with you?" Ron asked. "um no why?" I ask wondering. "I can't find her anywhere. She wasn't at breakfast" He told me. "WHERE IS SHE THEN?!" I screamed putting on slippers and pushing passed Ron to ask Carl where she is.

I saw Carl and ran up to him. "hey beati-" he said looking at me up and down smiling but I cut him off. "where's Enid?!" I yell. "Enid?" he asks nervously. "Um yes, you know the one that's my best friend!!" I say almost about to cry. He stayed silent. "CARL?!!" I screamed pushing him. "Okay! While you were on that run the wolves attacked us and everything blew up, I was with Enid and I told her not to leave cause everyone cares about her, but she didn't listen and left me a note" he tells me pulling a folded piece of paper out of his pocket. My eyes start to water as I read the paper. JSS Kris. Just survive somehow. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN GONE?!!" I scream. I'm so tied of this!!! I've lost almost everyone that I care about!!! I'm finding her! "IM GONNA FIND HER!!" I yell running back to my house to change and run outside of Alexandria.

"I'm afraid I can't let you out Kristen" Eugene told me. "I don't freaking care. You either let me out to find my best friends Glenn and Enid, Or I'm going to punch you in the face... real hard" I say fake smiling as he quickly opens the door and I run out.

Carl's POV
I yelled after Kristen not wanting her to go by herself but she's already gone. I do care about Enid too. Before the apocalypse Enid and I were together, I just don't want to tell her because she'll probably be pissed. I just wanted to know how it felt to love again but she wasn't right for me because my heart was still with Kris. Only Ron and Mikey knew about it but I guess they haven't told her yet.

About 2 hours later I heard a huge banging at my door. I was a bit terrified to see what or who that is. I opened the door and it was Ron. "Where the hell is Kristen and Enid?!!" he screams. "I don't know!" I say quietly. He punches me in the face. "YOURE SURE AS HELL AN AWFUL
LIER!!!" he screams. "Ron calm down!" I yell. "No!" he yells bag and pulls me down my steps. "You better tell me where they went Grimes or I'm going to knock your teeth in" he said furiously. "Kris left to find Enid" I said angrily. He hit me in the face. "there'll be more where that came from Grimes" he says walking away.

5 hours later...

Kirsten's POV
It's been about 5 hours and it's starting to get dark. I'm starting to give up on Enid. I hate to say it but I don't know where she is... I guess I'll go back.
I arrived at Alexandria and Eugene opened the door for me. There Carl stood waiting for me. "hey what are you doing?" I ask smiling. He walked up and grabbed my face and kissed me. "wha-" I spoke but he cut me off. "I need to tell you something..."

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