Chapter 40

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When I wook up I wuz in a strange room. I loked around I wuz wearing da same outfit I had when is performed wif XBlakXTearX!!!!!11 I looked arund confusedly. It wuz da Norse's office but it looked difrent!! On da wall wuz a pik of Marlyin Munzon!!!1111 (just imagin dat he is an 80s goffik band 2 ok koz he is more old den panic?! at da dizcko or mcr) der wuz also a goffik blak Beatles calander with a picture of the beetlez werring iyeliner and blak cloves. On it said '1980.'

"OMFG!!! Im back in Tim again!!!!111" I screamed loudly. Suddenly Satan(dis is actually Von Ka rmie 4 photo refrenss!). Von Karmi wuz wearing a blak leather Jackson, blak tight jeans and fishnet pantz. He looked so sexah I almost had an orgy!!!!11

"OMFG Phnoe nix r u ok." He asked gothikally.

"Yah Im okay 4 ur in4mation." I snapped sexily. "OMG am I dedd???" koz I remembered I had jumped in front off da bullet from grossss gun. I also rememberd cing Miles doing it wif Kirstopp!!!!111

I guessed dat when I had slit mi wrists I had went bak in tim instead of dieing. I knoew I could go forward in time if I found a time-toner or da tim machine.

"No ur not dead." Satan reassured suicidally as he smokd a cigarette sexily and smoke came all over his face. "Ur a vampire so u kant die frum a bullet. Cum on now lets go c how vampirs's dad is doing."

I noo dat da real reason I didn't die from da ballet was koz I was from da future. "WTF!!!! gro ss hyerbrg almust shot Grgeory!!!" I said indigoally. I knew that Jgriesverg had really ben possezzed, but I didn't want him2 know I knew.

"Yah I know but he had a headache he wz under a lot of stress." Satan reasoned evilly.

"I guess that's ok." I said because gors berg hadn't really shot Grgeory. Also I noo that Greagerg wood now have 2 arms instead of 1. I walked seduktivly outside with Satan. Suddeni I saw a totally sexi goffik bi guy!!!!!11 He had bleched blond hair wiv blak streaks up 2 his ears and he wuz wearing goffik blak iliner, a blak Green Day shirt (it showed billhy joel wiv bolnd hair since it was da eighties), blak congress shoes and black baggy pants. He walked in all sexly like Gerrd way in the vido for I Don't 3 u lyk I did yesterday and you cud see a blak tear on his face lyk da wmn in dat video. "Hey." He sed all qwietly and goffically.

"Who da fuck is that?" I asked angrly cos I did nut kno him.

"Dis is...Gumshoe!!!!!!!!11" Sed Von Kafrmie Karm. "He used to be in XBlackXTearX 2 but he had 2 dropp out koz he broke his arm.

"Hey HHumshoeg." I said seductively evn tho I wuz nut tring to b.

"Lol hi Phonoenix." He answered but then he ran away bcos he had hair of magical creature. He was humming Welcum 2 da Blak Prade under his breth( I no dat is not 80s but pretend it is ok!!)

"Bye." I sed all sexily.

"Dat was Gumshoeg. He used 2 b my boifreind but we broke up." Satan said sadly, luking at his blak nails.

"OMFG I can get u bak 2gether!" I said fingering something I didn't know wuz in my pocket- a blak Kute is What we Aim 4 cideo ipod that I could take videos wif (duz ne1 elze no about dem??? dey kik azz!!!!).

"Ok u can 4get about ur class for now, Gumshoe. Im going 2 show u something grate!!!!1" I led them to da Great Hall. "Cum on u guys."

GroegryGrossbeyr Serious and Kriostph were all in da Grate Hall. Grgeyrpo woudnt talk wiv Gros sberyg because he had tried 2 shoot him.

"Go fuk urself you fukking douche!" he shouted at him. "Miles is never gong 2 b frends with vampire now!!1"

"Yah go fuck urself Samaro!" kirstoppe agreed but I noo he wuz lying koz it had been his folt Jgrossbergs had almost shotkristoph.

"B quiet u guys." I said sexily. Mi plan waz working oot great. Now I kood make Von Kamr ie karm good wivout doing it with him! Now Vampire's dad wood never die and "OK Satan and Humshoeg, u guys can start making out." I said and I started 2 film dem wiv da ipod.

"Kool." saidHrossbergs as Von KArmie and Gumshie started 2 make out sexily. We watched as tdey started 2 take each odderz cloves off sexily. SamaroGrossberb Kriostopj andgroe tgry all watched koz dey wer prolly bi. I noo kristoph was bi.

"Oh my fukking god!!!! VON KARMA! VoN KARMA!" screamed gumshoe as his glock touched VolN JARMSAS's.

But suddenly everything stopped as da door opend and in kame..................thE judGe and Mr. Norris!!!!111111111111

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