A Day With Mitch pt.2

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This chapter is a little smutty, but just more of cute smut.


"Okay, great, thanks!" I tell the nice lady that owns the dry cleaning place Mitch and I go to for some of our nicer clothes. She smiles and waves as I hold the door open for Mitch as we exit the building. "She is literally the best, I'm so glad you found her," I tell Mitch. "I wish we would've found her sooner."

"She is! And yes, I have to agree. That old man was terrible at ironing." I chuckle and we continue walking through the parking lot until we get to the car.


We pull out of the grocery store parking lot with, finally, all our chores done. "Finally," I say, sighing.

"I know. Wanna go to our spot?"

"I would love that." Mitch and I found this "spot" that is overlooking the sea on a cliff and you can see the sunset perfectly. We usually go there before we leave LA for a trip out of tradition. It was our little happy place; no one else around, just peace and quiet. It takes us about 15 minutes to reach our spot and I park the car on the hillside. Mitch and I get out of our respective sides and I open the trunk to get some blankets and I remember that Mitch bought two bottles of champagne.

Yesssss. Just what I need.

I grab the bottles and shut the trunk, blankets thrown over my arm.

"Can you get over here? These new flats are really hard to walk in."

I walk over to where Mitch is standing and move the bottles of champagne to my left hand to take his hand in my right and we begin to make the short trek up to the cliff side. We walk in silence up the steep hill and finally reach the top. I let go of his hand when I know he's stable and place the blankets on the ground, yellowish grass underneath it. I sit down and hear Mitch follow suit. I take the covering off the cork of the first bottle then pop it into the air. I look over to see him smiling wide.

"She went for it!" he cheers and we laugh together. "Gimme that bottle," he says, taking it out of my hands. He practically chugs it and I place my hands around his that are clutching the bottle.

"Slow down! I want some too," I say and he lowers it away from his mouth. He hands it to me with a forced pouty face. "Oh relax, you can have some more in a minute." I put the bottle to my lips and take a short drink. I feel instantly warmer but still obviously  sober and responsible. I then hand the bottle back to him and he smiles widely. He chugs down more of the bottle until it's almost gone.

"Oh..oops, I didn't mean to do that," he mumbles.

"It's okay, sugar. One of needs to be sober."

"Oh, that's right!" he exclaims and finishes off the bottle. I pop open the next bottle and take a swig, and hand it to Mitch as my mind wanders a bit. As soon as I return my gaze, the last bottle is empty. I look at him vacantly and he gets a puzzled look on his face temporarily. "Oh, you wanted some! I'm sorry darling! Now I feel really bad," he replies, smirking.

"It's okay, Mitchie," I reply. He smiles at me sweetly.

"You are such a sweetheart, you know that? You've put up with me for so long. Why is that?"

Because I love you. So much.

"Because you're my one and only," I tell him, looking deep into his eyes. "I would do anything for you."

Please take the hint. Please.

Our eyes are still locked on each other and I feel our bodies coming closer and closer.

Wait, I must be dreaming, this isn't happening right now. Nope. Nope.

Our faces are only about an inch from each other and he tips his head to the right. I can hear his heartbeat and feel the champagne on his breath.

I can't do this. I can't. He's not 100% himself right now. I mean, he's not drunk even, though. He can't be. He has to want to do this, right?

I simply can't anticipate his lips meeting mine anymore so I meet his lips slowly and carefully. I close my eyes and can almost taste how beautiful he is. I feel his hand on my cheek and it slowly moves into my hair. I put my hand around his waist, the other on the ground, supporting our weight. He goes deeper into the kiss and I follow his lead. I am the happiest I've ever been in a long, long time. I feel like my heart is meeting with his finally, after all this longing. He starts to lean on me and I lay back down on the ground slowly, making sure our lips don't part. He is on top of me now, kissing me harder and harder. He separates his lips from mine and looks at me, smiling.

"What?" I ask him, with a small laugh.

"Nothing, I'm just really happy," he responds, then leans back down to me and bites my lip.

"Sassy," I mumble and smile.


It's nightfall and I'm driving us home. As I reach the stop sign and am waiting for it to change, I look over to see an asleep Mitch sitting next to me, head leaning against the seat. I smile to myself and look back at the road. I make a right at the next stop sign and pull up to our house on the hill. As I pull into a stop, Mitch is lightly snoring. I open the car door, close it, and go to the other side. I shake him softly and he opens his eyes slowly.

"Sorry to wake you, but we're home."

"No, it's okay! Thank you." He takes my hand and gets up, then closes the car door. We go up to the house, hand in hand, and I grab my keys and unlock it. We go to my room and I wait for a second, looking at him.

"Night, Scottie," he says, letting go of my hand.

"Night, Mitchie," I reply. I lean forward and kiss him on the cheek slowly. He blushes and smiles, then turns, goes in his room and shuts the door.

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