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Ice. Snow. Hail. Frozen. Numb. Unfeeling. Empty.

Why did you do that? You fucking idiot. You selfish bastard. You were hungry and you wanted to go home so you could eat and be warmed by a fire. It was your fault. Your fucking fault! I've never met anyone so stupid in my life. You were even running out of gas. You knew you wouldn't make it in time. Why? Why?



I awaken and attempt to move around. I feel fine, my head hurts. I reach my hand up and pull it down, seeing red. I look over, trying to regain consciousness and trying to focus my eyes. I see Mitch, knocked out next to me, his head laying on the seat. He was facing towards me, pushed into the console by the tree. His arm is bleeding. I panic and begin shaking him. He doesn't move.

I need to act. Fast.

I look back in the backseat to see Landon laying there, his car seat laying on the floor. I unbuckle my seatbelt with trembling hands and try to move over to him. I pick him up, unstrapping him and taking him into my arms. I realize that he's freezing cold and check his pulse.


"No! Oh god, please. No. No! It's not possible. You're fine. It's okay," I say, holding Landon in my arms.

"Its all going to be alright." I held a lifeless Landon in my arms, tears streaming down my face.


I hold him for a while and then gently set him down on the seat.

"Mitch?" I place my hands on his cheeks. He was still warm. I feel his neck, it's pulsating.

Thank god.

I look at the love of my life, and drop my hands so that I could shift to look at his back. It was covered in blood, soaking through his flannel. I instantly rummage through the console and in the back and find a roll of paper towels that was almost used up. I take the remaining paper from it and use it to hold against Mitch's back.

Stay with me.

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