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Mitch POV

It's almost time for the meet and greet and I'm nervous to go and see if François turned up, and also, what he'll be wearing. I anxiously check my hair in the mirror and apply some more foundation on my face. I'm wearing all black, like we're supposed to, but this shirt is long and breathable. I have Kirstie's Chapstick in my hand and apply it to my lips. I can see Scott approaching me from behind in the mirror. I feel Scott's arms around my waist and I feel him kiss my neck. I look at him in the mirror and smile, then I turn to kiss him on the lips, which turns into a little make out session. We are interrupted by Esther coming in the door.

"Sorry guys, the meet and greet fans are out in the lobby. Break it up, you two. Don't let them see you together unless you're ready to announce that in front of all the fans there. Now come on, you two. Stop it." Esther scolds. We laugh at her.

"Okay, we're coming now," I respond, then quickly kiss Scott again. Esther makes a face at us, then sticks out her tongue and turns around. We follow her out the door and through what seems like a maze of doors, hallways, and small corridors. Kirstie, Avi and Kevin finally join us and we walk out together. The crowd of people cheers, and I look anxiously around for any sign of François.

Maybe he's towards the back of the line. Calm down.

We decide to sing some stuff from our earlier albums, "Valentine", then Kirstie hits it off with "Rather Be", then we all sing "Daft Punk" at the end. A fan raises their hand and she requests a Christmas song since it is the season, so we decided to sing her "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy" and we get cheers from the crowd of fans. After that, we sit down at the foldout table they provided us to meet fans and sign their merchandise. We get through almost all of the fans and so far I've gotten gifts, hugs, kisses on the cheek unexpectedly, fantastic drawings of me, and I've signed someone's tattoo of me on their arm, which they said that they would have traced over by a local artist. Best of all, I've gotten people telling me how great my voice is and how "unbelievably talented I am" which is all very flattering and nice to hear. We reach the last fan and I am sure François forgot to come.

"Hey, could you please sign this for me?" I hear a familiar voice say. I look up to see only the most adorable man I have ever met.

"You came!" I practically shriek and embrace François in a hug. He is a really good hugger. I sit down and sign his poster.

"Of course I did. You have such a beautiful voice. Look in your pocket," he says.

Oh my gosh. Did he slip me something?

I look in my pocket to see a note. I unfold it quickly and read it.

Meet me outside after the concert. I'll be in the alley by the door.

I am super excited to see him after the concert, and place the note back in my pocket. I pass on the poster to Scott and he gives me a look. He stands up to hug François and signs the poster. After that, François leaves and we head back to the dressing rooms.

Scott POV

I am uneasy about this François guy. Mitch seems to be taking a like to him and I really don't want that to happen. I love Mitch, with all of my heart, and I can't stand the thought of them...I don't know. Maybe I'm just over thinking this. He's a nice guy. Aaah.
I try to give Mitch "the look" when he passes me the poster. I stand up to hug François and then I sign it and he leaves. I just need to stop worrying.


The concert is over and I head backstage into Mitch and I's dressing room. Mitch takes a little longer than normal to get to the dressing room, but I assume that he's maybe stopped to talk to someone else or is in Kirstie's room.

It's now been about fifteen minutes and I am beginning to wonder where he is. I head outside the dressing room and across the hall into Kirstie's, which is partially open.

"Kirst? It's Scott," I say.

"Oh hey! Come in."

"Hey, did you see where Mitch went? He hasn't come into the dressing room yet."

"Nope. Well, actually, I think he passed by my door a little while ago. I thought he went into there with you."

"Okay, thanks, I'll be back," I tell her, then I head off in the direction Kirstie said he went, past our dressing room. There is a door, and I assume it leads outside, so I step out there. It's dark, so I strain to see anything. I hear muffled noises and look over to see two figures intertwined together, one against the wall.

Oh. My. God.

"Mitch?" I call out. I hear a gasp and the figures pull apart.

"Scott, it's not what you think-"


"WHAT THE FUCK-" I start, and rush over and punch François square in the jaw.

"Scott! Don't!"

"What the FUCKING HELL MITCH?!?!" I shout in his face. He looks scared out of his mind.


"NO. NO. NOT HAPPENING. This is not really happening right now?! Oh my GOD!" I scream and run back inside. I run into the dressing room and slam the door shut, tears streaming down my face.

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