
688 22 20

Mitch POV

Scott and I head off down the hall of the hotel that we are staying at and we are practically running to the elevator at the end of it. I can't believe I haven't dropped the plate of cheese and chocolate yet. I am slightly faster than Scott, but he is still right behind me. I laugh as he tries to grab my arm playfully but misses and he falls down on the floor. He blushes bright red.

"Margrettttt!!" He slurs.

"What, Sarah?" I say between laughs.

"" He mutters, face still pink.
I laugh and walk back to help him up. I offer him my hand and he takes it roughly, and I practically fall forward a bit under his strength.

"Geez Stephanie!"

"Sorry Jennifer. So we're on the 22nd floor, right?"

"Yes, honey," I respond as he pulls me toward the elevator. He presses the button and we wait for a moment as it has to come down a few floors.

"So, have you been enjoying the tour?"

"Of course, darling. Why would you ask?"

Scott sighed and looked away from me. "I don't know, you just seem sort of distant lately. I don't know what's wrong..."

"There's nothing wrong! I just thought that you might want some space... I don't know," I say. Scott's blue eyes meet mine as he responds.

"Oh, well I missed you," he says, hand still intertwined with mine.

"I missed you too," I say, eyes locked on his. We hear the ding of the elevator and Scott lets go of my hand and walks inside and I follow his lead.

Make a move on him.

The elevator doors shut and it leaves silence between both of us as there is no cheesy elevator music on in the background. This is the first time in my life that I've ever hoped that there actually was that cheesy music in the background, maybe then it wouldn't be so hard to start a conversation.



Do you love me?

"What drink are you going to have?"


"Well, I don't know, maybe just some wine, that sounds nice. Or Chardonnay. What about you?"

"I think I'll have what you're having. I really need a pick me up," I say. My phone chimes and I give the plate to Scott so I can open my bag to get it. I offer to take it back but he shakes his head.

"I can hold it. I'm probably going to eat the whole plate in no time," he says and I smile.

I look down at my phone and realize that the text was from my ex, Shawn. I shudder and my eyes begin to water at the thought of our relationship and how he dumped me, told me I meant nothing to him and that I wasn't special, that I needed to kill myself.

Shawn: Hey

I respond and he replies quick.

Mitch: What?

Shawn: Why do you have to be so rude? I was just going to ask how you are. How everyone is.

Mitch: Why do you care? I thought I was worth nothing to you.

Shawn: You're worth so much to me!

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