Firsts (R)

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If you read the previous chapter, I had a note saying that this is absolutely not necessary to read and you can skip if you want to.

It is a short mini chapter basically of Scott and Mitch's first time, so yeah!

Please bear with me as I'm not a guy, nor have I ever written gay smut before. I'm new at this!

Thank you all for the continued support!


"Do you want to sit down and relax? You look anxious," I say, locking the door to his room, and Mitch nods. I take his hand in mine and decide, on impulse, what we should do. I sit down with him, then look around the room, noticing a speaker. I smirk at him and stand up. I walk over to the speaker and rummage through the drawer for an outlet. I plug my phone in and out sings Beyoncé circa her B-Day album. I walk over to Mitch and hold my hand out, which he takes with a small smile. He stands up and we begin to dance together, singing not so harmoniously to Bey as we fly around the room. Next a few of Disclosure's songs come on and we laugh at the awkwardness of the dancing we are doing. I hold Mitch's hands in mine and we haphazardly begin to spin in time with the music until Mitch flies onto the bed and I land somewhere near him on the floor. Mitch's gorgeous laugh rings through the room and I rise up as the song ends.

I look down at my boyfriend, strewn so beautifully and chaotically on the spacious bed, hair tuft and limbs slightly apart. His eyes flutter open and his gaze meets mine as the room is still and silent, Spotify in between shuffling songs. I hear Debussy spill out of my phone romantically in a waltz, and my eyes roam across Mitch's small body as he rises up to take my hand. I lead him to the center of the room, and take his waist, my left hand locked with his. We gaze at each other and begin dancing the waltz. I spin him around as a faster section in the piece comes on. He rests his head on my shoulder as we dance so slowly that our movement becomes almost non existent. I feel his breath against my ear and a tingling sensation spreads through my body.

Mitch moves his head and I peer into his mesmerizing brown eyes, eager to know what he is thinking. I only have to move my face a few inches to reach his red lips in a soft embrace. My thoughts roam and I slowly guide him to the bed. I am dominant as I press my body harder into him as I know it's what he likes. I move my hands around him, feeling all of his tender, soft skin. I pause, lifting up to remove my shirt, and Mitch takes it, flinging it across the room with a smirk. I smile back, and kiss him, running my tongue across his lips and eventually into his mouth as he lets me in. I then exit and softly bite his lip. I run kisses down his neck softly and nibble a bit as he moans softly, as if he doesn't want me to hear him. I pause to help him take his shirt off and throw it to the side off the bed with a flick of my wrist. I look down into his eyes for reassurance and he nods, biting his lower lip and exhaling softly. I pull down his sweatpants and his boxers along with them and throw them beside me. Then I lean down, sucking softly on him. He moans in response, and I move my tongue up and down his shaft to his tip slowly, my tongue barely grazing his length. I then take him in my mouth and I feel his body shake in relief. I feel his hips beginning to move slowly and I massage his sides, wanting him to only indulge in pleasure. I move my hand down to my length and stroke it gently, matching the speed of him in my mouth. Then I look up at him, asking for permission, to which he nods, agreeing. 

I remove my mouth from his cock and he sighs, slightly shaking. I turn him over and softly massage his tight backside, trying to relax it as much as I can. I look in his drawer and am not surprised to find some lube. I put some on my finger and slowly insert it, to which Mitch lets out a soft moan. After fingering him for a while, I slowly insert my length into his relaxed backside and he matches my speed with a hand on his cock. Not wanting him to have to do anything, I move his hand away and match my speed with my hand, massaging his length gently. I see him grip the white bed sheets with his hands, not knowing what to do with them.  I feel him reaching his climax so I speed up, hardening inside him. I push harder and harder, and he moans louder in gratitude. I tease him by slipping my cock out and pushing slower for a moment. 


I know by the sound of his voice that he is almost to his climax, so I push back in and try to catch up with him. Finally I reach my climax as he does in my hand. I push my cock into him as I let the cum ooze into him, and I feel the hot heat on my hand. 

After we clean up, we lay next to each other on the bed naked, looking up at the ceiling with Mitch clinging onto me, eyes shut. 

"Mitch..." I whisper into his ear, and his eyes slightly open to meet mine.

"Hmmm...?" He mumbles, barely awake from his long day of testing and confusion.

"If there's one thing I hope you'll never's that I love you. More than anything. I don't want you to think that our friendship has changed, and I never want you out of my life. I know it's hard, and...I'll be here every step of the way. And-" I am interrupted by Mitch planting a soft, sweet kiss on my forehead.

"How could I ever forget you, Scott?"

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