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Hey everyone! Thank you so much for reading everything so far, and for voting, I really appreciate it! I'm sorry if most of the chapters are very boring, I'm trying to make it accurate, like possibly what a day in their shoes would look like if scomiche was real. I would really really love suggestions so please feel free to ask if you want! Stay fcute! :)


Mitch POV

"Okay, everyone ready?" Esther says, walking around in our main dressing room. We've been getting ready backstage for about an hour now, and my hair and makeup were all done and perfect. I smoothed my hair to the side of my face where it belonged and pursed my lips together, noticing they were dry; I need Chapstick.

"Scoooottttttt," I whine pathetically.

"Mitttccccchhhhh," he replies.

"Do you have any Chapstick?"

"Only that's leftover on my lips." I roll my eyes.

"Where is it Hoying," I say, annoyed.

"I told you. On my lips."

"Scott Richard!"

"Okay okay geez. I don't have any with me, it's Kirstie's. I'm telling the truth Melanie." I turn around to look at Scott.

"Asshole," I reply. Scott chuckles and turns around as well.




"How dare you?" I say. "This shirt isn't even slutty." Scott laughs shortly and walks over to me.

"Do you still want some of that Chapstick?"

"You bet."


The concert was great and the crowd was so energetic. We all sounded great and had a really good time. Scott and I tried not to be close but we slipped up a few moments, as I am finding out about on Twitter.

"See? We're holding hands in this one, you're looking at me here, we're staring at each other, you brushed my shoulder, we smiled, you DEFINITELY blushed a deep red, sis," I say to Scott. He has his hand partially over his mouth.

"Omg. Wait seriously? Fans care this much? What? Do they seriously ship us that hard? Wow."

"Well yeah, haven't you read the fan fiction? It's crazy," I tell him.

"And you have? How much?"


"Mitch??" Scott says, worried.

"You know I crushed on you for a long time..."

"Oh. My. Gosh! Mitch!" He says, wrapping his arms around me.

"Stopppp!" I say, swatting him away.

"Awwwwww," he says, arms around me again, and I blush.

"Anyone naked?" I hear Avi say from outside our door and he knocks.

"Nope, come in gorgeous," I say, and Avi comes in looking sexy as hell.

"Wow, looking good sis," I say and smirk.

"Dayum!" I hear Kevin say, stopping at the door and peering in at us.

"You look really hot Avi," Scott agrees, and Avi turns around slowly, earning whistles and cheers from the three of us.

"So you think I should wear this jacket for tonight?"

"Oh most definitely," I purr.

"I still don't know what I should wear," Scott whines.

"Just wear that Versace coat and Saint Laurent shoes and you'll look perfect," Avi breathes in his deep voice.

"Ten minutes guys!" Esther calls to us while walking by. Kevin and Avi leave to go finish getting ready which leaves Scott and I. He starts stripping and I do the same, putting on a different pair of jeans and my favorite Balmain shirt and my new Doc Martins. I am done relatively quick, and I look over to see him still without a shirt. I walk over to him and place my hands on his sides. He moves his eyes from his suitcase and up my body from my feet until they reach my eyes. He smiles sweetly and leans down to kiss me. We both smile through the kiss and end it early, and I let my forehead rest against his chest, his chin on my head.



"I love you."

"And I love you."

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