Not Completely Lost

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Hello! So for those of you who have asked how I am and about my sickness and everything, thank you soooo much. My doctor said that its incurable, sadly, so I'll be dealing with this pain probably for the duration of my life :(((.

Thanks for all the kind words and I hope you're doing well!!


"Mitch?" I yelp, unsure of what's happening, scared for my other half.

"Scott?" He says, wringing his hands from Avi's grasp as he stares, open mouthed at me. Mitch runs up and I pull him into his arms. He shudders in fear and I can tell he is crying on my shoulder and his breathing becomes heavy.

"It's okay, Mitch it's okay. You're fine," I try to reassure him.

"What's going on? Where are we? Who are they?" He asks and my eyes widen at his lack of memory.

It's spreading. His brain.

"It's okay, we're in New York, darling. We are stopped to sleep as the hotels were full. We're in the tour bus. With Pentatonix. That's Avi and Esther, you love them. Kirstie and Kevin and Joey are inside and you love them too. We're preforming, sweetheart. We're performing on tour," I say, panicking. Mitch releases his grasp from me and looks up into my eyes, his a hazy brown.

"Pentatonix...?" He asks, and I smile despite my internal terror.

"Pentatonix is the name of our group, remember how we named it? Come inside, I'll show you," I say and take his hand. I lead him inside, slowly, and everyone is seated at a table. Avi and Esther follow us inside. Mitch starts to freak out, and squeezes my hand even tighter.

"Kirstie..?" He calls out, his eyes meeting the little blond girl seated across from him.

"Mitch," she replies, smiling.

"Here, sit," I say, gesturing to the table, and Mitch slides into the booth, and I follow his lead. He is seated now across from Kirstie and Kevin is next to her. He looks at Kevin and smiles.

"Kevin," he says. "I feel like I haven't seen you in forever," he says, and Kevin lets out a small laugh.

"It's been a while. A few hours, actually," he says and Mitch smiles and places his hands on the table palms up, awaiting Kirstie's. She meets his and smiles. Avi and Esther sit down on the side couch and look at us.

"So, what's happening?" She asks, looking over at us.

"I think he needs to go to a hospital, get an X-ray or something. We need to see what's going on in his head," I say, looking over at Mitch. He nods.


Joey drove us to the nearest hospital, Mitch was admitted, and I was allowed to stay with him because of his condition. I followed him through his tests, and now the X-ray.

"I don't trust the doctor," he says, looking up at me with big eyes.

"It's okay, I'm right here," I said, for the fifth time. "Just lie down here and be very very still. They are going to take pictures of you, okay?"

"I understand what an X-ray is, Scott," Mitch says, gives me a sassy smile, then lays down on the table. I smile at this; at least he hasn't lost his sense of humor and the sass is still apparent. As he lies down, I lean over the side of the machine to kiss him on the lips quickly before his head is in the machine. He smiles and I say "Don't move!" as a joke. He laughs and then returns to his stoic expression.


The doctor finally pulls me out of the room to tell me the results.

"So you must be Scott?"

"Yes I am, nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Doctor Wren. We have some news for you that we wanted to tell you separately so that maybe if you tell Mitch, he won't freak out as much. He practically attacked the nurse when getting a blood draw. We aren't completely sure what's going on in his head, but we have a pretty damn good idea," the doctor says, pacing the room. He hands me a picture of Mitch's brain and I hold it up to the light.

"So his brain..."

"It's a tumor. A cancerous one. We think that since its affected this lobe here, that it is causing him to hallucinate. This would explain him attacking the nurse for no reason, and him telling you that he didn't trust me. You said he went back to normal after you told him he was getting an X-Ray, correct?"

"Yes." I look around the room nervously.

"We think there might be an option to stop its growth, but not remove it. If it is removed, that whole part of his brain will be lost. That being, all of his memories."

It's going to be okay Scott. He'll be fine, he will be okay.

"Okay, so what needs to happen now?"

"Well, he needs to stay here for observation for a little while. We need to see how he reacts to certain things," the doctor says, smiling apologetically.


The doctor and his team ran a bunch of tests, showing him pictures, asking him questions and having him take small tests that reflected his long and short term memory. Eventually, they moved him to a separate cozy room that rehabilitation patients use. It was like a house; well-furnished and comfortable. I watched him smile as I entered his room, shutting the door behind me.

"Scott!" He squeaked, jumping up and padding over to me for a hug. I embrace the small creature and kiss him on the cheek before moving to his mouth. I linger there, and I feel his face flush as I kiss him even deeper. I explore his mouth and taste medicine and a metallic sensation. After a while, I pull back and look through his eyes painfully and happily- some sort of melancholiness encompassed me. I was happy that he was okay, but I was sad that he is not okay. I silently reflect on this feeling and decide that it is appropriate to feel this way.

"You okay?" He asks me.

"Yes, darling. How are you feeling?" I ask him, and he looks down and sighs.

"Well, I'm ridiculously happy to see you, but also I'm confused. Everything seems so distant from me, but I can't figure out why," Mitch says, and I refrain from asking him any more questions.

THE REST OF THIS CHAPTER IS RATED R. I will post it as its own mini chapter. You may skip if you would like, it doesn't affect the rest of the story. If the next chapter could use some tweaking, please comment and help me out as this will be the first smut/you know what chapter I've ever done. Please bear with me!! Thank you!❤️

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