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Scomiche feels!!! That is all. Comment below how long you've shipped them/thought they were boyfriends/etc.

I love you!


Scott POV

The last thing I remember of the night before was Mitch and I dancing to Disclosure and drinking a bit too much.

I open eyes slowly, and turn my head slightly to the right. I finally am sort of awake and the first thing I see is Mitch, sleeping in bed next to me. His hair is sticking out in all directions and his bare arm is around my waist, all our limbs intertwined together. He must've taken his shirt off at some point last night, and so did I. We hadn't really slept together before, except most recently being in the tour bus and that was temporary. I relaxed and laid my head back down on the pillow next to him.


Mitch POV

Run. Run. Faster. Faster. He's going to kill you! You're going to die! Die a slow, painful death. But you deserve it, don't you? Yes, that's right. You worthless piece of-

"AH!" I yelp, waking with a start.

"Mitch? What's wrong?" Scott's voice seems distant. I feel his hands on my wrists.

"I'm sorry, I think I had a nightmare again."

I have been having nightmares about Shawn ever since that night that he decided I wasn't worth anything to him. And he showed it with his strength. It was the most awful experience I've ever had to endure, and even telling and showing Scott was one of the hardest things I've had to do in my entire life.

"Mitch..." Scott says, sympathetically, and wraps his arms around me once more. "It's going to be okay." I relax into him and hear his heart beating, pulsating in rhythm with his slow breaths. I had never taken the time to notice the way he cares for me so much, especially now.

" you..."

love me?

"Do I...what?" Scott said in a serious tone, releasing me a little to look at me.

"Do me?" I say, looking into the ocean in his eyes. He doesn't move a muscle.

"Of course I love're my everything," he responds. We stare at each other. My heart is racing.

"Can I...admit something to you?"

"Of course."

"I...think that I'm...really in love with you," I say, nervously. He looks at me with longing eyes.

"I'm in love with you too," he responds.

Kiss him.

I desperately want to kiss this gorgeous man in lying in bed next to me, and he inches closer to me. He leans in, tilting his head to the right, and kisses me sensually. I feel the spark everyone talks about, the spark I didn't get from Shawn. I taste his beauty, and deepen the kiss. He nudges me over on my back and kisses me harder, rubbing my sides with his hands. I pull him in closer, and feel the heat of his body against mine.

"Guys?" I hear a small voice say from outside our door and it slowly creaking open. Scott practically jumps off of me in surprise and rushes into the bathroom, shutting the door. I cover myself up.

"Kirstie!" I squeal.

I remember now. She has the spare key card.

"Hey babe, sorry, did I wake you up? Where's Scott?"

"No honey, we've been awake. He's just getting ready in the bathroom. How are you?"

"I'm great, as always. We're going to leave in less than 15 minutes, did Jeremy call you? Esther sent everyone a message about an hour ago, did you get it? I already have everything ready."


"Oh yeah, we'll be ready in no time, won't we Scott?"

"Yeah! Hey Kirst!" Scott calls from the bathroom.

"Hey! Well I'll let you two get ready then..." she says, noticing all the stuff Shawn had placed in the room.


"Bye Mitch." And with that, she was out the door.

This is going to be weird. I hope she knows Shawn decorated...

Scott comes out of the bathroom as soon as the door shuts in just his boxers, as I am.

"Okay wow we have no time to get ready," he says, and frantically runs to his suitcase on the floor by the wall. He grabs it and lays it on the bed by my feet. I watch him as he pulls out a pair of black jeans and looks at me. I nod. He puts them on and buckles the belt on them, then zips up the zipper. I smile.


"Nothing! You look good," I say, looking at him. He blushes and looks through his suitcase again. He picks up a plaid shirt. He puts his arms through it and starts to button it.

"No, stop," I say and walk over to him. "Let me." I begin buttoning up his shirt from the bottom to the top and when I'm done, I smooth my hand down his chest and to his stomach, then I place both of my hands on his sides. He smiles at me, and leans down to give me a kiss. He leans in for more but I gently push him away.

"No! We need to get ready!" I say, smiling, and go to get dressed.

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