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Scott POV

Tears. Sobs. Crying. Falling. I am sitting on the floor against the door, weeping. The one man I fully gave my heart to, my best friend, cheated on me with a man he barely knew. And we're in a band together. I can't recover from this. We can't recover from this. I feel like I'm slowly falling into a pit of darkness. Flashbacks of what occurred only minutes ago come to mind. They were making out, he was full on in Mitch's mouth. God, they would've fucked out there and I wouldn't even have found out it if I hadn't listened to Kirstie. What's going to happen to us? I can't possibly perform after tonight. I don't even know how I will be able to get out one song lyric without storming off the stage, killing Mitch, jumping off a cliff, hitting my head against the wall, or crying or...oh God I don't even know. All I feel are hot tears streaming down my face and feelings I can't comprehend. What if I just die? Go kill myself? That seems like a good idea. But how?

*Knock knock knock*

Oh god. Who the fuck wants to bother me now?

*Knock knock*

Maybe if I don't say anything they'll go away.

*Knock knock knock knock*




"Honey, it's me. I don't want to talk about anything. I just want to see you."

I pull myself to my feet and unlock the door. Kirstie comes in quickly, and closes and locks the door behind her. She turns to look at me, and I look away. I hear sniffling, so I look back to see a river of tears flowing down my best friend's face. I shuffle slowly towards her and use my thumbs to wipe the tears off her face. I open my arms and she rushes into them, holding onto me. I embrace her, and we both cry silently for a while.


I open my eyes, careful not to wake a sleeping Kirstie next to me. I kiss the top of her head, and pull her in closer to my body. We must've both fallen asleep last night, or whatever time it is. I take my phone out of my pocket, realizing that it's dead. I move Kirstie slightly, seeing that her phone is in her pocket. I reach to grab it and slowly pull it out of her pocket. I click it to check the time.

4:43 a.m. Great.

I can't help but to browse through the messages she received the night before. Most were from Jeremy, Avi, Esther, and Kevin, but there were also a few from Mitch. I hesitantly read them.

Mitchie💕: 25 missed phone calls, 5 new voicemails.

Mitchie💕: Kit kat

Mitchie💕: darling please answer me

Mitchie💕: it's not what you think

Mitchie💕: I need to talk to you

Mitchie💕: please answer my calls

Mitchie💕: I love you

Mitchie💕: it was all a misunderstanding please Kirstie

Mitchie💕: tell him that please

I fumble around in my pocket for my headphones and plugged them in to Kirstie's phone to listen to his voicemails.

"Hey Kirstie. Please please please pick up the phone, I really need to talk to you."

"Hey darling its me again, please pick up."

"Kirstie, it's not what you think, really. Let me explain."

"Kirstie, I love you. Please don't make me do this."

"Tell Scott that I love him."

Thoughts are racing through my mind. Wait a sec. Is he going to...but where would What? NO!

I practically jump and scare Kirstie.

"Wake up! Mitch is going to do something! We have to find him! We have to find him, Kirstie! Don't you see?? Look at the messages! Listen to the voicemails-"



"Stop! What are you talking about?"

"Look! He's going to do something! I don't know where or what, but we have to find him, and quick!"

"Scott, let's not be rash here-"

"Where did you last see him?"


"Never mind, I'll go find him myself." I jump up and immediately run for the door, swinging it open. I run down the hall frantically.

"Hello? HELP ME? Anyone here? I need help!" I yell. I see Esther, Avi and Kevin run out of a nearby room. Esther embraces me but I push her away.

"No! NO! Mitch is in danger, you don't understand!!! Help me!"

"Slow down. What's going on?"

"We had a fortune teller, well machine, it told us that someone was going to die soon if we didn't go home. Mitch left voicemails saying 'tell Scott that I love him' and other stuff and I just don't want to loose him! Where is he??"

"I'm not sure. He left a while ago with a guy-" Avi begins but I cut him off.

"FRANÇOIS?!? THAT BASTARD! Oh I'm going to fucking KILL HIM!" I scream, full of rage.

"Scott! Please calm down. We'll find him-"

"Avi? You said he left? Where? When?"

"He said he was going out to get some fresh air by a park, he said its nearby."

"Thank you so much I love you Avi," I say and kiss him on the cheek. I run out the doors, and outside. I look both ways, then run across the street, receiving honks from various vehicles. I scan my eyes around, looking for any sign of the park. I am in front of a building, and to my luck, there is a sign with directions. I see a bunch of little green shrubs, so I run in that direction. I feel like my stamina is invincible, I am practically flying as I run down the street, avoiding people by running in the bicycle lane. I am going faster than most cars. I wait at the cross walk for what seems like a thousand years then practically stampede over a bunch of people.

Why are so many people up this early?

I reach the other side, and run faster. I run into another cross walk and to the same thing. I finally see the park which is still very very far away but I don't stop running. I glance at another sign with directions and I see that on the edge of the park, there is a huge lake. My eyes widen and I keep running, so fast that my footfalls are faster than my heartbeat. I see a small figure, dressed in all black.


I keep running, and he steps up onto a ledge. I am still so far away from him. With every step it seems that I'm only getting even further away from him.


He lifts his head up and takes a deep breath inward. He places his hands at his sides, then rises them above his head.

"MITCH!!!" I scream with all my strength. "MITCH!!!!"

He places his arms flat out beside him.

"MITCHHH!!!!" I scream with all my strength. He still doesn't hear me. I am approaching him as fast as I can.

I can't reach him in time.

That was the moment of painful silence where I saw my best friend fall off that cliff side and into a body of shallow water.

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