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Filler chapter #2. This has cute scomiche moments in it, during a PTX performance and wait for it- on stage. That's right. So read it, maybe? They sing a song together, specifically PTX's version of La la la by Naughty Boy and Latch by Disclosure, "La La Latch" as I felt like some of the lyrics related to their current situation. Thanks so much for reading! I really appreciate it! ((((;


Two shows later and the next thing I know is that we're in southern Washington and I'm looking at Mitch, who is wearing his apple headphones looking out the window. It's been quiet for about an hour or so, and I guess Mitch has gone well, "back to normal". I want to say that the little kiss we had was nothing, just him trying to get over his breakup with his ex boyfriend, and I don't blame him. We support each other through everything, and cry on each other's shoulders when we need to. It's been a week and a day since the tour started and we have a show tonight at this big arena, where One Direction last performed at, so it is a big deal for us. At this moment, I decide to push Mitch out of my mind as anything more than my best friend.

Mitch POV

I'm listening to SOPHIE's album and looking out the window at luscious green trees in all different shades. I decide to put on something more sentimental, something with a hint of minimalism for relaxation. I press play and lock my phone screen. I look over to find Scott staring at me. I smile and he does as well, then he looks away. He's been acting more distant lately, not wanting to get close to me or even hold me in his arms like he usually does. I think about kissing him and I regret it, I shouldn't have been so forward. I've always had these feelings for him but I've been able to suppress them for years. I guess he's always just wanted to be friends, and nothing more than that. I try not to think too much about it because my heart is already weak from my recent breakup. I've pushed everything about my ex out of my mind, even his name so that hopefully nothing is triggered by it and I can recover. I realize I've been staring blankly off into space while looking at Scott and turn my head quickly to look out the window once more.


Scott POV

I'm pumped. Excited. I jump around a little, getting the energy to flow through me. I am behind the stage, a few minutes away from performing. Tonight, we are staring off the set with "La La Latch", as we usually do. Mitch is standing next to me, warming up, and Kirstie and Avi are across from me, talking. Kevin joins us at last and brings us together for a prayer.
"Amen!" we all say at slightly different times after Kevin has prayed for us, and we wait until the clock reads 8:00.
We all look at each other and turn on our microphones, then Kirstie lifts hers up to her lips. She starts singing the opening and Avi and Kevin follow her lead, walking out onto the stage slowly. This leaves Mitch and I. I have a sudden urge to kiss him as he stares at me with longing eyes, but I know that I can't. I shouldn't. I couldn't.

I lean down slowly to him and kiss him on the right cheek. He blushes and looks down a little, but meets my glance once more. We both start leaning in, closer and closer...until I start singing my part and he joins me in harmony. We continue to stare at each other and I turn to walk on stage, grabbing his hand. We half jog, considering we came in musically about a bar late and the others were probably freaking out. We make it on stage, walking up and I hear the crowd scream even louder than before. I realized that it may have something to do with the fact that I've held a death grip onto Mitch's hand this whole time. We walk to the center of the group and I still can't seem to let go of his hand. I see Kevin staring at me out of the corner of my eye and I decide to finally slowly let go of Mitch's hand. Kirstie gets on her last lines of "La La La" and Kevin winds down the beat, which is my cue to start singing the lyrics of "Latch".

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