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Scott POV

I think I really love him.

No, no no. This is ridiculous.

I crumple up the third paper that I was attempting to write to Kirstie on a receipt about my feelings and shove it in my pocket. I have been thinking about this "thing" Mitch and I have together and I am relieved but also very worried.

What if you split up and the whole band suffers? What will happen to Superfruit? What about Pentatonix? Will we all go our separate ways? Will Kirstie be in between us? What would the fans say if they found out Scömìche is...real?

These were all things rushing through my head as we departed on a flight to Japan for a big show. After Japan, we were scheduled to tour a few places in Europe and then come back to the U.S. and visit our family in Texas for Christmas.

My current problem was figuring out what to do about the Mitch and I "thing". I still can't wrap my head around us feeling this way for each other. And I didn't want to tell Mitch anything to make it seem weird and things awkward between us like:

"So what do we do if the band or the fans see us..."

Everything seems just weird and I'm not sure how to convey my thoughts correctly and concisely. I'm listening to Million by Tink and a few of the lyrics were pretty accurate to my feelings right now. I lean back in my seat and enjoy the view from the tiny plane window and try my best to relax.


Mitch POV

We finally land in Japan and I am super thrilled. I had my cute Rilakkuma case on my phone and so does Scott. We were seated next to each other, as always, and he was still looking out the window.

"Is he asleep?" Kirstie asks, already dressed up in cosplay. She looks SO adorable.

"I don't think so..." I say and look over to see a snoozing Scott.

"Never mind. He is, I'll wake him up," I say.

"Okay," Kirstie says, and starts walking off the little private plane we were offered to take. Everyone else but the pilot had exited the plane, so I decided to be brave. I leaned over to Scott and placed a sweet kiss on his cheek, and then another on his nose, forehead, and  finally his nose again. His eyes fluttered open and he took out his headphones.

"Morning S-" I start but am interrupted by his hands cupping my cheeks and a full, warm kiss.

"Wow," I say and giggle.

"How are you, Melanie?" He smiles.

"Well, I could be better," I start, blinking my eyes a bit more than normal. A smile spreads across my face and he sighs, his lips turning up into a small grin.

"Ah, I see," he starts and comes back in to kiss me again. Our kissing starts slow, and then becomes rapid and breathy. I place my knees on the seat around Scott's legs to get more access to him and he holds me close. I think about all the times I wanted to kiss this blonde beauty as a teenager, and my heart fills with this wonderful feeling. I feel like I have lost track of time when I hear a small thud behind me. I turn to look to see a small blonde girl, her purse on the carpeted floor, her mouth open. Scott notices that I have stopped moving and he stops kissing my cheek to look over.

"Uhh..." He says, quietly.


"It's okay, you don't need to explain yourself. It's okay. I won't say anything. Just get your stuff as let's go." She said this very calmly, and without expression. Her eyes looked less bright than normal, but understanding. I stand fully back up again and move out of Scott's way to reach our bags. I grab both of our stuff and my tote and hand his to him. I turn away and follow Kirstie out of the plane and down the steps without saying a word.

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