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Mitch POV

I was walking down the empty hallway when I saw a blonde boy sitting on the tile floor, legs pulled in to his waist and his arms around them lightly. He had a hoodie on and was staring straight forward at the empty wall. I walked over to him.

"May I?" I ask him to which he replies a vague nod.

"So, how'd it go?" I ask. Scott takes in a deep breath and sighs softly and slowly.

"I got the part. But she didn't, and...we're...done." He continues to stare forward. I lean my head on his shoulder and look at the puzzles of white paint splattered across the wall, each individual spot forming a new picture in my mind.


I awaken from my slumber and stare at the ceiling above me. I look to the right to see a fully awake Scott laying beside me, on his phone.

"Morning," I mutter and he looks over at me and throws his phone on the other empty bed. He looks at me seriously.

"Okay, glad you're awake. I've been doing some thinking about this whole thing, and-" I just had to interrupt him. I place one finger on his lips and lean in to kiss him on the cheek. He smiles.

"Okay, continue," I say.

"I think we should tell the band, if we're serious about being more than friends. If not, it's totally okay. We can just forget about it, if in the end we decide to just stay friends. How does that sound?"

"It sounds great, it's just that you've forgotten something."


"I'm in love with you. You know me. It's kinda hard to just go back, especially after all of this." Scott smiles at me.

"And the problem is that I feel the same way," he says back, smiling. He leans in and gives me a quick peck on the lips.

"So, since we're obviously, you know, I think that today we need to call a meeting and just tell everyone all that's happening."

I bite my lip in anxiety of how the rest of the group will react. I mean, they all joke around about how we're meant for each other and how we're a married couple, but we never take it literally. This could totally effect our future and how others see us. Maybe they'll see us as selfish, taking the spotlight of Kirstie, Avi and Kevin by being together. I really don't want people to get the wrong idea from this.

Scott's blue eyes momentarily take me out of all these problems that are racing around my head and I try to push them out for now. We need to get ready for the show this afternoon, and the whole band is going to the Robot Bar later. I'm anxious about how today is going to unfold.


Scott POV

"Okay, so guys? Guys? Hi. So Mitch and I called everyone here today quick before today's show on behalf of a little announcement," I start. Kirstie is drinking water, and everyone else is busy finishing eating their lunches. The whole band is here, including Esther, our driver, Joey, Jonathan, and a few other of our tour crew.

"So this is...kinda big for us, and we just wanted to be open as it has been going on for a little while now," I start. My hands are shaking and I feel everyone's eyes burning into my skull.

"I just really would love some positive feedback, oh...I don't know. open hearted? Accepting? Wow this is hard to say. I apologize for the rambling. What I meant to say was that..." I start, and look over at Mitch.

"Mitch and I...are together. Like, really together." Mitch looks up at me, his eyes reflecting his anxiety. He grabs my hand and I intertwine mine with his, rubbing the top of his hand with my thumb slowly.

"Whoa whoa wait...does this mean that scömì real?" Kevin says.

"Well, yes," I say, and Kevin's eyes light up.

"YES! I knew it! Oh yeah, uh huh," Kevin says, dancing. Avi sighs loudly and gets out his wallet. He hands 50 dollars over to Kevin and sighs again, even louder than before.

"Wait, did you guys seriously bet on our relationship?" Mitch says.

"Yeah! I knew you guys were together! I'm so happy for you guys!" Kevin says. A huge smile spreads across my face and I hear Mitch laugh softly.

"Yes, you guys make a cute couple," Avi says.

"Yay! Oh, I'm so happy. After all these years," Kirstie says, smiling.

"Okay, guys, I'm happy for you. I am, really. We just need to talk about all the things that will change-" Esther starts.

"Honey, nothing has to, everything is the same, we're!" I say and Mitch kisses my cheek, accumulating a few 'awww's from the group.

"Yes, and I totally agree. When do you want to tell the fans?" I look at Mitch.

"When we're ready," Mitch says.

"You know, I don't believe you," I hear Jonathan say. I look at him, unsure of how to react.

"You might just have to prove it to everyone..." He starts, a smirk spreading across his face.

"Just do what I saw you do yesterday," Kirstie says softly, and she makes kissy faces at us. I laugh, and turn towards Mitch. I remove my hand from his and place it on his right cheek. I pull him in close to me and open my mouth slightly to give him a long, sweet kiss. When we release from the kiss, people start clapping. Mitch and I laugh and smile, thankful for the support we have from our dearest friends.

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