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It had been about two weeks since Mitch woke up. My life was placed into the mystery of the Steinways and I didn't do much else except reading and reflecting. So far, I had a few journal entries keeping track of everything that's happened and anything that came to mind. Yes, it's fair to say that I'd gone crazy. Kirstie insisted that I leave him in the hospital and do something that I wanted to do, but I couldn't. My whole life was invested in Mitch and I wasn't about to leave him here with Steven.

February 6th:

Killed Landon

Hurt Mitch

Found nothing about Harry

Kissed Steven and liked it

Sat on the cold, hard hospital floor

Scared five nurses

Got thrown out seven times

Threatened a doctor

Yelled at Kirstie

I walked around the hospital many times, bored out of my mind. I rarely ate, slept, or bathed. My hair was greasy, eyes cold and baggy, sweat stains in my dark blue shirt, unwashed sweatpants stained from a sort of things including vomit, my lips chapped, skin pale, and the life drawn out of me. I didn't do much, and one day, I ran into Steven talking to himself, hovered over a drinking fountain. I had the sudden urge to beat the crap out of him and hug him at the same time, but I settled on neither. 

"Scott...he needs to be protected. If there was only a way I could get to him...I don't know. I need him for protection more than ever. I just wish there was a way..." Steven mumbles and then gets a drink. I am standing right behind him, cold, dead eyes piercing his soul. He turns around lazily and jumps, noticing me. My head is slightly bent to the left and my face is serious, washed away of all emotion and life. My shoulders are square and my feet are slightly apart. He stutters to try to disregard what he said.

"Scott, I didn' wow this is going to be hard to explain, but I guess I have no choice?" He smiles a bit and it vanishes as my dead eyes and expression do not change. I don't even have the energy to blink anymore.

"Well...your family and my family...they were connected, a long time ago," He begins, sighing. "You are my protection. From my own family. They are cruel beings, I wanted to side with your family but they won't have that. Apparently me having feelings for you breaks a treaty or compassion for you has broken it. They are coming to kill me." Steven looks up at me, expecting me to apologize and help him. My expression stays the same. He walks up closer to me and continues to speak.

"What can I say? What do you want to know? I can and will tell you the truth." I don't speak. "Please, Scott. Let me help you-" He says, reaching for me but I smack him away. He slightly jerks back, moving away slightly.

"Okay, I guess I'll just talk to you. You need to know. So, remember the truck that ran into you and Mitch? That was me. I had to get you alone, somehow. I had to bring you to this hospital so you would grieve here. I had to ensure that you would feel pain and remorse and guilt. It is the only way I can fight back. We can fight back. I want to save you from this, please, let me. There has to be a bond between us-"

"NO!" I shriek at the top of my lungs, my voice cracking. I run away down the hall and I hear footsteps following behind me. I run and dart around the hospital, dodging things every which way, attempting to avoid them but knocking most things down. Tears were streaming down my heated face full of anger and things I never thought I would feel. I run into an elevator, happy that it closes and I am alone. I click the top floor, the highest in the building, hoping that he wouldn't be able to find me. Mitch would be okay, he wants me. I can't process what's happening and it's a while before the elevator dings and the doors open to the top floor. I see a small room and open it- a broom closet. I hide in the room and let the tears flow willingly.

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