A Game

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Filler chapter #1. I wrote this for my friends who aren't as familiar with PTX as Pentaholics are. This is basically a little game they play on the tour bus, you can skip if you would like, but it is a good  (slightly funny?) chapter. A bunch of cute/kissing/adorable moments towards the end of the chapter.


Riding in the tour bus for a long period of time would seem cramped to some, or even just boring. But for me, it's the most relaxing part of tour. You get to sit back, relax and watch the beautiful scenery go by through your window. I think it's even more amazing when you turn up your music on your phone with your headphones on and just let your mind wander in any direction. The space you have in which you can be mindless is so relaxing.

We have only been on the tour bus for an hour or so and I'm already enjoying the world around us. I am seated next to the window and Mitch sits across from me, looking out the window as well. Kevin is adjacent to me looking out the opposite window, Kirstie and Avi are in the back, and Esther is sitting in the passenger seat, next to Joey, our good friend and excellent driver. Esther is conversing with Joey on our itinerary for the next few weeks and everyone else is quiet, from what I can hear. I turn on Heaven by Beyoncé and lean back a little in my seat for a nap.


I awake to the sound of no music playing and take off my headphones. My eyes flutter open and I notice that it's in the evening and we are still driving on the highway. Joey is still driving and Esther is asleep in the passenger's seat.

Everyone must be in the back.

I unbuckle my seatbelt and rise slowly from my seat to gain my balance, and begin walking through the hall while holding on to various shelves and cupboards. I turn right and then straight again, and the sound of laughter approaches my ears.

"No! Aaaaaahh," Kevin exclaims.

"Well it's true! It's true!" Kirstie says, giggling.

"Well you don't have to be so straight forward, Kirstie. A little white lie never hurt anyone," Avi says sarcastically.

"Wanna go again, Mitch?" Kevin says and they all lose their composure yet again and burst into almost crying laughter.

"Stop it!" Mitch says, wiping tears from his eyes.

"Look who woke up from his eternal slumber," Kirstie says.

"Of darkness and despair," Mitch whines and he and Kevin start laughing hysterically.

"Geez, what's gotten into you guys?" I say, a smile on my face.

"Oh you know, the usual," Kirstie says. Mitch rises from his seat and stands to reach a cupboard over head.

"Ugh I'm starving." He pulls out a bag of chips.

"Can I get me lucky charms?" Avi chants and Mitch gives him a weird look before digging around for the cereal, pulling it out and handing it to Avi. "Thanks darling," he responds and opens the box.

"Do we have any more of those croissants you bought yesterday?" Kevin asks.

"Yep," Mitch mumbles, chewing on chips. He reaches back further in the same cupboard and pulls out a single croissant after a moment.

"Thank you," Kevin responds respectively as Mitch hands him the croissant. I then take the time to fully notice the empty bottles of wine and one currently next to Avi. Mitch sits down back in his seat and pats the spot next to him. I walk over and sit beside him and he leans his head on my shoulder.

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